British Whig (Kingston, ON), Aug. 16, 1883
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The Paragon, with coal from Cleveland, ran aground at Camp meeting Cove, Bay of Quinte, and will be lightened before she can be got off.
The restriction issued by the Superintendent of the Welland Canal against the steam barge Clinton from towing its own barges has been removed.
Several vessels have been chartered in Chicago to Kingston at 7 1/4 cents on wheat. The vessels out are schrs. Jamaica, Mystic Star and James Wade.
The steam barge Clinton and consort have obtained a charter at Toledo. They will carry corn to Kingston at 5 cents. The schr. Emerald has been chartered for the same route at 4 1/2 cents.
Last week the steam yacht R.P. Flower collided with the Lily Nicholson at Alexandria Bay. One of the skiffs belonging to the Lily was entirely destroyed and her bow slightly injured.
Prop. Celtic, Chicago, 6,042 bush. wheat; prop. Armenia, Chicago, 7,500 bush. wheat; schr. J. Noyes, Chicago, 21,350 bush. wheat; schr. G.C. Finney, Milwaukee, 20,000 bush. wheat, have arrived at the M.T. Co.'s wharf.
The wrecking steamer Conqueror has been thoroughly overhauled, and is now lying in the slip at the foot of Johnson Street ready for service. The cost of raising and repairing her is about $4,500.
The Annandale has been provided with a new stem and bulwarks and has undergone a general repairing, which was necessitated by injuries sustained in coming down Lake Ontario on her trip from Cleveland with coal.
Formerly shippers paid the bills for vessels loading coal at Oswego, but now they have withdrawn that premium and ask vessel men to expend 4 cents per ton out of the starvation rate of 25 cents for freight. It is driving the vessels to Charlotte, Fairhaven and other ports.
All the Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Company's steamers are again making their regular trips, the latter having been so seriously interfered with by the breakage in the Cornwall Canal lock that a perfect resumption of them was only practicable during Saturday and yesterday. The loss to the company by detention of their line at the very busiest season of the year, and other damages incidental thereto, is set down at several thousand dollars.
The steamer Hastings landed a large party from Toronto at Grimsby on Sunday morning, and was to have left with the people for home at 4 o'clock. The Managers of the camp essayed to prevent this desecration. The Globe says: Dr. Griffin, Mr. Noah Phelps and the caretaker held the gates against the siege of a considerable crowd. A few bold fellows jumped the fence, but boards were brought and not a little "chaff" given when the sound of hammer and nails rang through the air. The Captain of the Hastings took matters quite easy, seemingly careless when they started so long as the steamer could be ready for Monday morning's engagements from Toronto. The steamer eventually took on board her passengers at 9 o'clock, the Directors of the grounds agreeing that having established the principle that no such breaches of Sabbath day observances would be tolerated by them it was desirable to relieve the anxiety of friends of passengers in Toronto by permitting the steamer to depart after service hours. At the same time they gave out that under no circumstances will they give way in future.
The Superintendent of the Western Division of the Dominion Wrecking Company is just now working for himself in the East as good a reputation as he possesses in the West. Business in his own division being dull, not requiring his personal supervision, Manager Gregory arranged to have him engaged in wrecking between Montreal and the Gulf. He was one day notified by telegraph to prepare himself for a call to duty at a moment's notice. He did so, and while Mr. Gregory was in the West on business, on the 11th, he was informed that John had been operating upon the steamship Aviril (ashore at Cape Breton), and that he had taken 1,000 tons of the rails, consigned to the Kingston & Pembroke R.R., off her. On the afternoon of the same day Capt. Donnelly wired that he and the Relief had been sent to the rescue of the steamship Brantford City, in distress at Lockfort, N.S. On the 15th he said he had signed a contract to save the steamer and her cargo, worth $250,000. He said everything was favorable for the execution of his plans. If Capt. Donnelly succeeds he will do himself and his Company infinite credit. His achievements will be jealously watched in the east, and some of the wreckers there have excellent records.
Accident To Hero - broke flange of a wheel.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Aug. 16, 1883
- Local identifier
- KN.14759
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great