British Whig (Kingston, ON), Aug. 24, 1883
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The old ship New Orleans, at Sackett's Harbor, has not yet been sold. Some enterprising person could make a fortune out of the wreck by purchasing and selling it in pieces to relic-hunters. A gentleman from the west gives the following interesting facts regarding the old craft:
Near the close of the war of 1812 the United States Government began the construction of two three-decked men-of-war, one at Sackett's Harbor. The frigate at Sackett's Harbor, more advanced than the other, received the name of New Orleans, a name sufficient to fire the popular heart in those days, because commemorating General Jackson's magnificent victory of cotton bale fame. The need of a frigate as a countermatch to the St. Lawrence was pressing, and the Government was exerting extraordinary energy in her construction and equipment, since no vessel sailing under the stars and stripes could be transferred from the Atlantic to Ontario, the River St. Lawrence being fully in possession of the enemy, to say nothing of the Lachine Rapids, etc. In six weeks from the time the first tree was felled the New Orleans was sheathed, two decks in and the third partly laid. The vessel lacked lining up (inside ceiling), portions of bulwarks, hatch-covers, etc., and when the order came to stop work because of the declaration of peace it was thought it could have been launched in thirty days more time. All the boat's rigging was conveyed at great expense and difficulty from New York city via the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers to Utica, thence overland to Sackett's Harbor. There were then no railroads, and the Government road connecting Utica and the then busy village of Sackett's Harbor was a very rough and rude highway. The anchor chain of the New Orleans, weighing eight thousand pounds, was carried from Utica, ninety-six miles, to the Harbor on the shoulders of three hundred men, who traced their way by means of blazed trees. After the cessation of the war the Government ordered the boat to be housed in to preserve it. A double roofed building was accordingly erected over its 300 odd feet of length, which was blown down some three years ago. Since then the vessel has been the sport of storms, and presents a decidedly weather-beaten appearance. Many of its timbers have walked off in the shape of canes, and today it stands awaiting its final destruction at the fall of the auctioneer's hammer.
p.2 The American Fish Laws - using str. Haselton. [Cape Vincent Eagle]
The American vessels lately in port have cleared for Oswego to load coal for the upper lake ports.
The prop. Alma Munro, from Chicago, lightened 7,000 bush. wheat at the K. & M. Co.'s wharf.
It is said that the propeller St. Magnus will take the place of the Glenfinlas, burned in the Welland Canal on Sunday.
The tug H.A. Calvin cleared yesterday for Montreal with six of the K. & M. Co.'s barges, having 91,000 bush. of wheat.
Yesterday 80,000 bushels of grain were elevated at the K. & M. Co.'s wharf in 20 hours. One elevator did the work.
The schr. J.H. Breck will probably load ore for Astabula and bring back soft coal from Cleveland or Sandusky for Swift.
The schr. Typo, while making for Oswego yesterday, ran upon Simcoe Island. After working for some time the vessel got herself off.
Recently the steam barge Clinton was 630 bushels short in her cargo, and her consort Clyde had an overplus of 230 bushels. Such is a rare occurrence in this port.
The life-boat at Wellington was launched a few days ago in the presence of a large crowd, under the direction of Capt. Dobbin and Capt. Doyle. The regular crew, under Capt. McCullough, practice on Friday afternoons.
The arrivals at the M.T. Company's wharf are: schr. Mary Battle, Chicago, 21,407 bush. corn; schr. Mary Lyon, Chicago, 23,065 bush. corn; schr. J.E. Bailey, Chicago, 15,377 bush. wheat; schr. Marquis, Duluth, 29,000 bush. wheat; schr. Nevada, Chicago, 20,370 bush. wheat.
The Cobourg regatta occurs on Sept. 3rd and 4th. The competition will be open to all yachts, the prizes offered for first-class yachts being $150, $100, $50, and $25; and for second-class yachts, $100, $60, $40, and $25. The start will be at 10:30 a.m. The general regulations will be those of the Royal Canadian Yacht Club. Entries must be made on or before Sept. 1st.
Yesterday afternoon the tug Frank Perew left with six barges carrying 113,000 bushels of grain. While passing Alexandria Bay the barge Montreal, which was not properly handled, struck a rock and sunk. She lies at present with five feet of water in her hold. Her cargo is 18,500 bushels of Milwaukee wheat, insured. The M.T. Co. have asked for permission to rescue the craft. They want to take an elevator and a lighter to the scene of the accident and secure the undamaged grain.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Aug. 24, 1883
- Local identifier
- KN.14766
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great