British Whig (Kingston, ON), Sept. 6, 1883
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The str. Chieftain with her tow has arrived from Toledo.
The Captain of the schr. Monitor is right - the buoys should be painted red. They are sometimes scarcely distinguishable.
The schr. Monitor has been raised upon Fraser's dry dock. Her bottom has been considerably injured by running on the shoal.
The tug Chieftain has arrived at Garden Island with the schrs. Denmark and Oriental in tow. They were laden with oak timber.
Yesterday the outfit of the schr. Enterprise, which went ashore at West Point last year, was sold to Mr. W. Mash, of Oswego, who offered therefore $100.
Vessel men look brighter, the freights having an upward tendency. The Fall promises to be very profitable, but it will have to be such in order to make up for the dullness all Summer.
The schr. Hyderabad, from Toledo, with 19,883 bushels of wheat, and the schr. N.P. Downey, Belleville, 5,177 bushels of wheat, have arrived at the Montreal Transportation Co.'s wharf.
Captain Cuthbert stated on Monday that negotiations for the sale of the yacht Atalanta were in progress, and would probably be consummated in a day or two.
River freights have been good all this season, and the Forwarding Companies should be able later on to declare good dividends. Lake freights have been very poor, ruinously low, but they are now improving.
The steam barge C.N. Pratt, from Cleveland, experienced a rather rough passage the last few days, and arrived at Collingwood yesterday with her bulwarks broken on the port side and her deck load of coal gone.
The prop. Shickluna lightened 5,000 bush. wheat, and the tug Hiram A. Calvin left the K. & M. Co.'s wharf for Montreal with a tow carrying 60,000 bush. wheat and corn. The barge Mona has been hauled out for repairs.
The prop. Prussia hasn't been abandoned by the wreckers. During the gale on Tuesday nearly half her cabin and upper works on the south side were stove in and carried away, the river for some distance below the lighthouse being strewn with wreckage. In her cabin, the piano, furniture and culinary utensils have been promiscuously mixed up. They have been rolling around with each dash of the waves. Unless prompt measures are taken to relieve the propeller the Recorder says the whole of her upper works will be knocked into kindling wood.
Vessel Cargo Damaged.
The schr. Maggie McRae arrived yesterday at the K. & M. Co.'s wharf with wheat from Detroit. She had 2,700 bushels of her cargo damaged by water which the Captain claims to have entered the hold during violent gales up on Lake Erie. Captains Taylor and Lewis made a survey of the vessel, but not being able to come to a decision Capt. Middleton was called in. The liability of the vessel for damage may be inferred from the fact that the Captain has been ordered to pay $250 before he gets his freight. This he refused to do. He says he will sell the grain by public auction, take out his freight and turn over the balance of the amount realized to those concerned. He has the grain in the vessel, and possession is a great deal in the legal aspect of the case.
Wrecking In the East.
Capt. J. Donnelly arrived this morning. He stopped yesterday at Brockville and inspected the prop. Prussia. He says he can raise the steamer, but she will have to be lifted 5 feet forward before the pumps can be effective. The Company get $3,200 to put her on the dry dock here. The Capt. says that four weeks ago, when he was with the Relief, taking the iron rails out of the steamship Averill, at Sydney, N.S., and had recovered 1,000 tons, consigned to the Kingston & Pembroke R.R., he was sent to the rescue of the steamship Brantford City. The craft was ashore in Little Harbor, N.S., 90 miles from Halifax. She was one of the Furness Line. Mr. Cooper, representing the Liverpool Insurance Club, contracted with Capt. Donnelly, the latter undertaking to save the vessel for 50 per cent of value and the cargo for 40 per cent. The pumps were placed aboard, and found to work all right, but before the contract was executed the Boston underwriters "kicked." Six days went by - six days of beautiful weather, time in which the steamer and her cargo might have been saved. Finally the arrangement was 40 per cent on the ship, and 40 per cent on the balance of the cargo, four schooner loads of merchandise, chiefly lobsters, having been saved. Then gales arose and the steamship was broken up and a great deal of the cargo sent afloat. The piracies were such as Capt. Donnelly never saw before, 100 bbls. of beer being captured by the thieves, among other things. Capt. Donnelly telegraphed the Marine Department, and Mr. Smith, Deputy Minister, had the Government wreckers and Customs' officials check the rascalities upon the coast. The cargo was valued at $150,000; the salvage will be fully $75,000. The Relief, of the Wrecking Company, is splendidly equipped having no less than 9 steam pumps aboard.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Sept. 6, 1883
- Local identifier
- KN.14777
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great