British Whig (Kingston, ON), Sept. 10, 1883
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The Flora Carveth is loading iron ore for Sodus.
The schr. Eliza White is loading iron ore for Charlotte.
The schr. Jamieson is loading lumber and lath for Oswego.
The schr. Speedwell, Toronto, 14,500 bush. corn, is at the K. & M. F. Co's wharf.
The str. Varuna went down the river for the last time on Saturday.
The M.T. Co. have handled and discharged 300 vessels so far this season.
The Hero netted over $60 by her engagement down the river on Saturday.
The str. Hero passed the str. Maud with the Masonic excursion from Garden Island opposite Bath at 12:00 noon.
All the Captains in port yesterday visited the Salvation Army. Some of their opinions are ludricous.
The schr. Rainbow, lumber laden, arrived in Oswego from Kingston in a waterlogged condition. The tug Navagh picked her up.
Capt. Tifft, of the schr. M.J. Cummings, thinks he is recovering from his attack of cunsumption. His wife, however, is with him this trip in case of a relapse.
A new side-wheel steamer is being built to take the place of the Island Belle. A large steamer will also make connections with the Utica & Black River R.R. The increased travel demanded better facilities for water transportation.
The prop. California, due here on Saturday morning at 8 o'clock, did not arrive here until midnight. She was delayed in the lower canals through an accident. The wind was heavy and she was blown from bank to bank coming up. A number of passengers had a long wait in the city.
The following notice was served on the managers of the Forwarding Companies on Sunday:
"We, the members of the Shovellers' Union, have decided that the rate for shovelling vessels, including steam, shall be three dollars per thousand from twelve o'clock tonight, Sept. 9th, 1883, until the close of navigation. By order of the Shovellers' International Union."
The managers have decided to accede to the demand at present.
The arrivals for the M.T. Co. are: schr. Lewis Ross, from Port Hope, 15,935 bush. corn; schr. Jamieson, Toronto, 10,142 bush. corn; prop. D.R. VanAllen, Port Hope, 14,030 bush. corn; schr. J.M. Scott, Chicago, 24,338 bush.; schr. W.J. Cummings, Chicago, 23,000 bush. corn; schr. Ella Murton, Toronto, 12,571 bush. corn; prop. Armenia, Chicago, 8,000 bush. corn; schr. J. Drummond, Chicago, 3,500 ft. walnut logs.
Capt. Merryman, a noted Port Huron wrecker, now raising the Schr. Sam Cooke, has been summoned to Kingston and a bargain arranged between him and the Dominion Wrecking Company, which the prop. Prussia will be raised. Capt. Donnelly is so unwell that he cannot superintend the work. The apparatus of the Wrecking Company will be used in raising the craft. A visit to the wreck shows that she is in a bad condition. The Recorder says that fully one half of the cabin aft has been torn away, while the piano and furniture are ruined beyond recovery. River pirates have been at work on the wreck, as a quantity of bent goods, rims, hubs, spokes, etc., are missing. A search found nearly all the goods in the hands of farmers, some of them living two miles from the river.
The steambarge Norman and tow has arrived at Oswego from Henderson harbor, where they had lain for twenty-four hours. The Norman and tow left Kingston about noon on Monday last for Oswego and after getting well out into the lake experienced such heavy weather that it was deemed advisable to put back for the Ducks where they arrived about six o'clock and let go. On Thursday morning another attempt was made to cross the lake and this time they succeeded in getting within fifteen miles of Oswego, when the seas got so large that it was found impossible to make the harbor and the Captain of the barge decided to run to Henderson harbor where he arrived last night. The canal boat in tow was the Philip Kearney, and is loaded with deal ends for the new match factory at Utica.
The steamer Hastings has taken the place of the Norseman between Port Hope and Charlotte.
Yacht Race For Small Crafts.
.....course was from Tomlinson's around the shoal tower, thence to a buoy off Four Mile Point and back to Tomlinson's. The race was for a flag, donated by Oldrieve & Horn. The following yachts entered: Strange's Wideawake, McNee's Kelpie, Fisher's Amelia, Kirkpatrick's Mackinaw, McCorkell's Hard Tack, Tomlinson's Emma.
The race started at three o'clock with a good breeze. Strange's craft led, with Amelia and Mackinaw in her rear. The race throughout was virtually between these three. The Amelia, in turning the tower, carried too much sail and had to luff. She nearly went over, but righting, went round and scud for the Four Mile Point. When half-way up the Mackinaw passed the Wide Awake and would have turned the buoy, but missed stays and had to make two tacks. The Wide Awake, Amelia and Hard Tack passed before she got round the buoy. On the home trip the Mackinaw made up much time. She passed the Hard Tack and Amelia and was only about six rods behind the Wide Awake when the former passed the winning post. The Mackinaw was well handled and is the best sailer, barring accidents.
The Prussia Accident - The prop. Prussia, sunk near Brockville, has suffered severely from the stormy weather. Her upper woodwork and cabins have been washed away, and her deck cargo (bent stuffs, spokes, tea, tobacco, sewing machines, etc.) have been picked up in the river. Capt. J. Donnelly has been delayed in recommencing operations upon the propeller by illness. He has tendered the contract to Calvin & Son.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Sept. 10, 1883
- Local identifier
- KN.14780
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great