British Whig (Kingston, ON), Sept. 13, 1883
- Full Text
The tug Frank Perew, with two barges and hoister, have arrived from Trenton.
The schr. Lewis Ross from Port Hope with 16,061 bush. corn and schr. Two Brothers, Port Hope, 8,055 bush. corn.
Capt. Murray, of St. Catharines, in purchasing the remains of the prop. Glenfinlas, made a good bargain. The boiler is reported to be worth $4,000 and the stuff in the hull between $6,000 and $8,000. He paid $950 for the lot.
The prop. Prussia will probably be on the dry dock on Saturday. She was in water 12 feet forward and 43 feet aft. She has been much wrecked. Her cabins have been carried off piecemeal, and their furniture destroyed. A handsome upright piano which embellished the forward cabin to stands fastened to two of the uprights with only the wires and the back portion of the case to tell what it was. It is probable that the propeller will be fitted up to carry freight for the balance of the season. She may be lengthened in the winter and come out a handsome craft next Spring.
The steam yacht Blandma, of Hamilton, was in port last evening. She is owned by W.G. Walton, under whose supervision she was built from a model furnished by Captain Notter, the famous builder, of Buffalo. Her length is 71 ft., beam 12 ft. 6 in.; she is fitted with two large roomy cabins and ample accommodation for 12 people. These cabins are furnished in black walnut and chestnut, oiled, upholstered in figured mohair plush, a piano, book cases and various other fixtures speak of comfort. The iron work has been finished in nickel. She was named in honour of a daughter of the compiler of the American Encyclopedia.
The prop. Clinton encountered Friday's gale off the Manitous, with her tow Gibraltar, Grimsby and Clyde. Her air pump gave out and she was compelled to let go her barges. They gave themselves up for lost. The Clinton cast anchor five miles from the Manitous, and found five feet of water in the hold. She was finally pumped out, and made the Manitous in safety. Her three barges, with full crews, have not since been heard from. They are all grain laden for lower lakes. The Clinton is at Cheboygan repairing damages. The Clinton was bound for Kingston. Her cargo was 17,500 bush. corn; barges Gibraltar, 17,994 bush. corn; Clyde, 15,000 bush. wheat; and Grimsby, 22,000 bush. corn. The entire fleet was owned by Capt. James Norris, of St. Catharines.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Sept. 13, 1883
- Local identifier
- KN.14783
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great