British Whig (Kingston, ON), Sept. 24, 1883
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Need of a Drydock.
To the Editor of the British Whig;
Sir, - It is not often that I trouble you with a communication, but the present demands that you should know what is going on and get ideas about matters that concern the welfare of our city and harbour. You are aware that the prop. Prussia was sunk somewhere near Brockville several days ago. She was brought here and on Saturday last the proprietors of the old Empire Floating Dock tried to float her and failed. In consequence the Prussia had to be towed to a foreign port. Now, sir, we have only to look to Owen Sound some few years ago, and see what it did when the question of a dry dock came before the people. What did they do? They granted a bonus of $15,000 and gave the site for the dry dock free. They have today a dry dock suitable for all purposes. Again Collingwood came forward when a dry dock was spoken of and granted a bonus of $25,000 and a site for the buildings. But what was the conduct of a factious few, when the Power Dry Dock Company asked the city not for a bonus but to take stock to the amount of $16,000? Why they went amongst the voters on the day the vote was taken and the by-law was defeated by a small number. Such parties call themselves the workingman's friend in election times. The consequence is simply that we have no dry dock to repair vessels like the Prussia, and they will be obliged to leave here and go elsewhere to be repaired. This is a great loss to the workmen and the city generally. It is time that steps should be taken to complete this work, which is of so much importance to the interest of our city. I learn that if the dock in question were in working order, which would not cost a large amount compared with the benefits derived therefrom, the Government will grant a bonus of 2 per cent per annum on the general outlay for twenty years. I am, Sir, respectively yours,
"A Workingman"
Kingston, 24th Sept., '83
p.2 Whipping Off His Leg - Chicago, Sept. 24th - Michael Murray, of Oswego, owner of the schr. John R. Noyes, stepped into a coil of rope as the tug was taking a vessel from the dock on Saturday and his leg was cut squarly in two by the moving of the tow line.
The equinoxial gales have struck the city.
The schr. Marquis, Toronto, 10,996 bush. corn, has arrived.
The Wanderer will make a trip from Clayton to Kingston during the Fair.
The steamer Flower City is improving rapidly. She will be one of the best boats on the river.
The schr. Bangalore has made her first round trip for the season. She brought corn from Toledo.
It is rumored that the prop. Prussia was ran ashore near Amherst Island owing to her leaking badly.
The schr. Hyderabad, Toledo, 20,000 bush. corn and schr. Parana, Chicago, 21,000 bush. corn have arrived in port.
The contractors on the Murray Canal have discharged all their employees except those engaged on the dredges. What's the matter?
Navigation on the Rideau Canal seems not to be without its perils. No less than six wheels have been broken this season on the steamer Ontario.
The sloop Vision carried lumber to Oswego last week. The freight received was enough to learn the capacity of the craft. It was an illusion to think she could carry 75,000 feet.
The prop. Cuba passed East yesterday. She is a fine looking boat, one of the best on the Chicago and Montreal route. She will make several trips before the close of the season. She does not yet carry passengers.
The failure of the Empire Dry Dock to raise the prop. Prussia has caused the craft to be taken to Oswego. The city thus loses some $3,000 or $4,000. Read the letter upon the subject in another column.
The Clayton Standard says "the officers of the steamer Puritan - Capt. S.V. Anderson and S. Crawford, purser - are classed with the agreeable and curteous officers who are earning an enviable and lasting reputation in this vicinity."
Although the steamer Spartan's repairs have been completed for some time, she is still detained at Detroit because of a failure to agree about her insurance. Her repairs have cost $34,000, of which the Insurance Companies would have to pay about $26,000, provided the steamer was not abandoned. The owner claims an abandonment, in which case the Insurance Companies would be forced to pay $40,000, which is considerably more than the steamer would bring if sold. The Companies, on the other hand, refuse to pay the duty, which amounts to 25 per cent on the repairs, and also claim that repairs were made that were not rendered necessary by the accident which led to the abandonment of the steamer.
p.3 Shoveller's Union - On Saturday, President Mahoney, of the Buffalo Shovellers' Union, accompanied by President Thomas, of the Sailors' Union, arrived here. Yesterday a meeting was held in St. Patrick's Hall. The rates here for shovelling was found to be lower than those paid at Buffalo. The shovellers were pleased with the addresses of the visiting brethren.
Here & There - John O'Shea says regarding the charges of piracy brought against the people of Prince Edward that he is nowise responsible. He only repeated here what William Marsh, of Oswego, told him in Picton. Marsh purchased the gearing of the Folger.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Sept. 24, 1883
- Local identifier
- KN.14792
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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