British Whig (Kingston, ON), Nov. 2, 1883
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p.2 Will Not Rescue Her - wrecked steamer Frances near Montreal.
The schrs. Hyderabad and Bangalore have laid up at Chicago.
The yacht Garfield was hauled out today and put into winter quarters.
The gale on Lake Erie continues. The schr. Arab is ashore at Saugatuck.
The schooner Ketchum is on Beach Gills pier, Lake Michigan, in a bad condition.
The schr. John B. Merrill was blown ashore at Cleveland last evening. The crew was rescued.
Capt. Wood, of the schr. Walstead, was attacked with symptoms of heart disease on Wednesday last and he has since been very ill. This morning he left with his vessel for Charlotte where she loads coal for an upper lake port.
Capt. Wm. Barrett of the schr. Cataract, 12,000 bush. wheat from Leamington, complains of harsh treatment from the canal Tugmen's Association. The tugs take their turn in towing vessels, and that which led the Cataract only assisted the schooner as far as the head locks, leaving her there because there were larger vessels to be towed through. Capt. Barrett's vessel was in consequence delayed 24 hours. He thinks such work disreputable.
Last night about 11 o'clock the wrecking steamer Conqueror left Gunn's wharf for Montreal in charge of Pilots Crowley and McArthur. The steamer was bound for Montreal, commissioned to help in towing up the divided steamer Athabasca, owned by the C.P.R. Company. This was the first trip made by the steamer since her accident down the river. The voyage as far as Clayton was made without danger, but at Johnson's Light she struck and sank. These are all the particulars that have come to hand, and they were conveyed in a telegram sent from Clayton. The str. has an iron hull and she is owned by J.G. Ross, of Quebec. It is believed that she is insured.
Sinking Of The Prop. Oneida.
The passenger propeller Oneida, of the Chicago & Ogdensburg Line, struck a rock in the St. Lawrence River and sank in twenty-seven feet of water. There were no passengers on board, the crew making their escape in the propeller's yawl boats. The accident occurred about five miles this side of her port of destination. The news created a sensation in marine circles. The Oneida left Chicago last week on Monday for Ogdensburg. Her cargo consisted of 25,000 bushels of corn and twenty five barrels of pork. She stopped at Milwaukee and took on a deck load of miscellaneous merchandise. Of her corn cargo Reynolds Bros., Chicago, shipped 10,000 bushels and Gallop, Clark & Co., Chicago, 15,000 bushels. This was insured for $15,000, the pool having $6,000, and the "Big Four" $9,000. Her deck load of merchandise was insured for $4,000. There was an insurance of $25,000 on the propeller as follows: Boston Marine $12,500; Western Assurance, $5,000; Exchange, $2,500; Buffalo, $5,000. Capt. McLeod, the Buffalo wrecking master, has left for Clayton to investigate the wreck. The Oneida is owned by her master, Capt. Charles McInnes. She was built by Grosthwaite at Buffalo in 1832 (sic), and ran in the Western Line between Buffalo and Chicago as a passenger and freight boat for a series of years. When Capt. McInnes came into possession of her a year ago last spring he placed her on the route between Chicago and Collingwood. After running on that route for a year she was taken off and was chartered to run in the Chicago & Ogdensburg Line, when it was established last spring.
Here & There - Rathbun employees have to be constantly protected by militia at Oswego; who is paying the expense?
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Nov. 2, 1883
- Local identifier
- KN.14826
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great