British Whig (Kingston, ON), April 16, 1884
- Full Text
p.2 Died - William McCauslan, late steamboat inspector, aged 81 years.
p.3 Sailor's Wages - The sailors' wages have been fixed at Port Hope and Toronto. Those shipping at the former place get $1.25 per day, and those shipping at Toronto $1.50 per day. The Kingston branch has not yet fixed a rate.
Union Shoveller's Work - not allowed to work for M.T. Co.
The str. Puritan is running between Gananoque and Clayton.
The schr. Jessie Breck has been repainted and repaired. She looks well.
The Hero will make her first trip next Saturday providing the ice is all out of the bay.
The Vessel, Hull and Grain Insurance Companies in Chicago failed to form a pool at that place yesterday.
The Sailors' Union met last night and fixed the rate of wages per day as follows: Schooners, $1.25; steamers $1.
Capt. Roberts, master of the schr. Shandon, arrived in the city yesterday from St. Catharines. He will fit out the schooner immediately.
The schr. B.W. Folger (Capt. Dandy) left Swift's wharf this morning for Gananoque. She loads 8,000 bushels of barley for Richardson & Son.
The steamer D.M. Wilson and consorts C.B. Jones and Manitowoc have been engaged to run between Chicago and Ogdensburg the ensuing season.
The Welland Canal will be opened on the 28th inst. Lighterage over the Welland Railway will be at the same rate as last year. There will be maintained twelve feet of water in the canal.
The tug D.G. Thompson will leave the Montreal Transportation Company's dock on Saturday with a tow of barges for Charlotte. They will load coal for Montreal. The Montreal Transportation Company has a large coal contract on hand.
American steamers, or large Canadian boats on the Chicago and Montreal route, will not go through the St. Lawrence canals this season, but will transfer their cargoes and receive up freight in return from the Montreal Transportation Company at Kingston.
The new screw steamer William A. Haskell, launched at Detroit on Thursday, cost $125,000. She is the property of the Ogdensburg and Lake Champlain Railroad Company, and will be one of a line of seven steamers to ply between Ogdensburg and Chicago through the enlarged Welland Canal.
The arrangements, says the Brockville Times, for a portion of the Western Express line of passenger and freight business is as follows: The Scotia, St. Magnus and the Myles will run between Kingston, Port Arthur and Duluth. Grain will be brought from Duluth to Kingston, and probably deck loads for Brockville. One of the steamers will arrive at Kingston during the latter part of the week. Arrangements have been made, in case the boats come no further east than Kingston, to forward all freight and passengers going by this line from Brockville to Kingston by any regular boats.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- April 16, 1884
- Local identifier
- KN.14898
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great