British Whig (Kingston, ON), April 18, 1884
- Full Text
p.2 ad - Royal Mail Daily Line - to Picton, tri-weekly to Belleville, the sidewheel, fast upper saloon steamer Hero, T.J. Craig, master.
p.3 Here & There - The rooms of the Sailor's Union have been repainted and refurnished. President McComb has a nice little office at the rear.
The schr. Belle Mitchell is loading granite for Chicago.
The first light in Rock Island lighthouse was on the 9th inst.
The schr. Prussia sailed from Garden Island, light, yesterday for Hamilton.
Coal shipments by lake from Sandusky will be larger this season than ever before.
The propellers Lake Michigan and Lake Ontario will be sold at auction at Hamilton.
The schr. H. Dudley left Richardson's dock today for Ogdensburg with 15,000 bush. corn.
The Island steamers Thorn and Maynard are being repainted and will look fine this season.
The yacht R.P. Flower, at Clayton, is having her engine turned round and general repairs made to her.
A vertical drill has been sent to Clayton to countersink the holes in the iron sidings of the steamer St. Lawrence.
The schr. Gazelle, Capt. Cornelius, started for Deseronto this afternoon. She has been repainted and refitted.
The yacht W.S. Turner was towed on Tuesday last from Gananoque to Davis' yard, where she will undergo repairs. The Turner is on her way to Orillia.
Capt. G. Crawford will start out from Port Hope tomorrow. The Norseman will run the old route to Rochester. She made her first trip last year on May 9th.
The scow Two Brothers is getting a new ceiling, sister kelsons, bilges and undergoing general repairs at Davis'. She is owned by Capt. Thos. Crawford, who intends to use her for the St. Lawrence trade this summer.
Mr. Davis will probably launch the new steamer Reindeer next Thursday.
The steamer Crusoe arrived at Davis' dock from Gananoque on Tuesday. After being thoroughly repaired she will take the steamer Gipsy's route on the Rideau until Capt. Garrett's new steamer, now in course of erection at Deseronto, is finished.
The steamer Hero will leave tomorrow at 10 a.m. on the first trip of the season to Belleville and intermediate ports, returning Monday on regular time. Extensive alterations have been made to the boiler and machinery, such as strengthening the former and new Coper heater, syphon oil feeder and an improved indicator for the latter, all of which will have a tendency to increase the speed; new dining room window curtains, new chandeliers, and new furnishings for the upper saloon; figured glass has been fitted in the fruit and news stand, abaft the pilot house. New officers: Rob't McColl, engineer, formerly of the propeller Cuba, and N. Cousineau, late of the Royal Mail steamer Passport, who has 20 years' experience. The boat made her first trip last year on April 28th.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- April 18, 1884
- Local identifier
- KN.14900
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great