British Whig (Kingston, ON), April 21, 1884
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p.3 Here & There - Locomotive Co. now to make all types of engines, boilers, etc.
The light at the foot of Long Island is lighted up for the first time this week. The city clock dials, acting as beacons, are now illuminated from dusk to dawn.
Noah Dunham left today for the Main Ducks, where he will be located all season. He will buy for Clark & Robbins.
The Captains and Mates in the city and vicinity received their papers from Ottawa today.
Both the old and the new Welland Canals will be opened on Monday, 28th inst.
The Eliza White is being fitted out at Deseronto, ready to sail at the commencement of navigation.
The Nellie P. Downey is loaded with about 7,000 bushels of rye at Napanee, and is ready to leave for Oswego.
The sloop Carleton, owned and commanded by Capt. Shely, is ashore near Cape Vincent. She is in a bad position.
The schr. Annie M. Foster is loading 6,000 bush. of barley at Bath. It is consigned by Richardson & Son to Oswego.
The schr. D. Freeman left Belleville on Saturday with rye for Oswego for Downey and Preston. The Bullock left today.
The steambarge Adventurer (sic - Adventure ?) (owned by A. Gunn & Co.) is on the bottom at Gunn's dock. When the ice broke up she sank.
The prop. Niagara arrived from Toronto yesterday. After discharging some of her general cargo she proceeded to Ogdensburg.
The Albani, of Brockville, owned by Mr. Comstock, is being fitted up in grand style. She will be the finest yacht on the river.
Owing to the illness of his wife Capt. Geo. Crawford is unable to leave home. Capt. R. Crawford takes command of the str. Norseman for the present.
The steambarge Niagara, Toronto to Ogdensburg, grain, grounded on a shoal about two miles west of Brockville early this morning. She has not sustained any damage, but will require a tug to release her.
The schr. Maggie McRae left Port Dalhousie on Saturday for Charlotte to load coal for Toronto. The tug Metamora, with her three barges, also started on Saturday. They are going to Toronto to load timber for Kingston for Burton Bros. of Barrie.
The Montreal Witness has learned that the Royal Mail boats have undergone a thorough overhauling and redecorating. Up steamboats will begin with the Bohemian as soon as the canal opens. The Algerian, Corinthian, Passport and Corsican follow about the second week in May.
Geo. Hall & Co., Ogdensburg, have been awarded the contract for placing upon the docks at Brockville the coal required by this division of the Canadian Pacific Railway. The contract calls for 26,000 tons. Last year the supply was brought by schooners from Kingston. Hall & Co. will carry it from Oswego. In order to do this work efficiently they will put on an extensive fleet, including the Diamond, Johnson, Mohawk, Onondaga, Tuscarora, Huron, Iroquois, London and two new barges leased from Stewart, of Kingston.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- April 21, 1884
- Local identifier
- KN.14902
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great