British Whig (Kingston, ON), May 3, 1884
- Full Text
The schr. Great Western has arrived at Portsmouth with 12,000 bush. peas.
W. Newell, of Garden Island, left today for St. Catharines, where he will ship on the schr. Jessie Birdwell as mate.
The through rate on grain from Chicago to Liverpool is 12 cents per bushel, a rate unprecedentedly low in the history of the trade.
The yacht Garfield (Capt. Curtis) has been launched. She will appear as the Commodore's boat in the Yacht Club's manoeuvres.
The schr. Flora Carveth ran into the Trenton swing bridge but the guide pier saved the structure. If there were guide piers at the Cataraqui Bridge the structure would not be so often damaged.
Union wages differ at different ports on Lake Ontario. From Toronto and Kingston the wages are $1.25 on Lake Ontario and $1.50 through the canal. Union wages out of Port Hope for Lake Ontario are only $1.
Owing to the prospective dullness in the grain carrying trade Kingston forwarders have placed a large number of their barges in the coal trade between Oswego, Charlotte and Montreal. It is not expected that the carriers will pay "fat" dividends this year.
Yesterday, while the schr. Prussia, owned by Calvin & Son, was being towed through the Welland Canal, she struck and burst in three of the gates. The strong gale from the south-west no doubt had a tendency to make the vessel difficult to manage.
The steamer Hero, owing to the violence of the gale up the bay yesterday, had to lie at Amherst Island until its force had been spent. The steamer reached here at 9 p.m., returning at once to Picton and arriving there four hours late.
The schr. White Oak, Capt. Dix, of Kingston, arrived from Charlotte on Wednesday with coal to Church Street dock. Charlotte has been the shipping point for coal this spring, and there is plenty for all comers, but captains of vessels say they are subject to occasional delays, having to wait for three or four days to get their turn to load. And as they are under full expense, paying crews all the time, it is hard on the vessels.
Vessels In The Blow.
The schr. Ariadne, with 16,000 feet of lumber from Toronto to Oswego, was struck by the gale of yesterday thirty miles off Presque Isle. The vessel had to straighten away for Kingston, and last evening reached port with her foremast, main top-mast and foresail gone, and her gear damaged. She ran down under mainsail and had much difficulty in saving her cargo, which shifted several feet. But little lumber was lost.
The schr. Western, with peas from Port Hope, was also in the gale, and had her bulwarks damaged. She ran to Kingston with foresail alone set.
Three other vessels were out, but Capt. Une could give no account of them.
The schr. B.W. Folger, Capt. Dandy, which left here on Wednesday with stone for Cobourg, returned last evening. She had only got as far as Presque Isle when a heavy gale sprung up from the northwest. The Captain tried to run into Presque Isle and South Bay but failed.
The schr. Nellie Theresa, of Picton, loaded with sand, while endeavoring to make for Port Hope harbor during yesterday's gale, veered around and struck outside of the west pier, and in a very short time was a complete wreck. The crew were saved.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- May 3, 1884
- Local identifier
- KN.14913
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great