Maritime History of the Great Lakes

British Whig (Kingston, ON), May 12, 1884

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The Oliver Mowat is fitting out.

The schr. Gaskin is receiving iron knees.

The schr. B.W. Folger has arrived from Oswego with 250 tons of coal.

The prop. Armenia passed down the river yesterday and the prop. Persia up it.

The schr. Fellow Craft, Whitby, has arrived at Portsmouth with 14,000 bush. wheat.

The schr. J.G. Oades, from Toledo, arrived at Breck & Booth's dock today with 450 tons of soft coal.

The barge William, of the K. & M.F. Co., Portsmouth, is loading 20,000 bush. rye for Montreal at Ricardson's.

Schr. Westside, from Toledo, passed down to Ogdensburg yesterday with 20,000 bush. corn. She was in tow of the A.W. Wright.

Capt. Donnelly has returned from Oswego having adjusted the claim of the Dominion Wrecking Co. of the schr. Typo last fall.

The steamer Rothesay, undergoing repairs at Powers' yard, will receive new topsides, guards and kelsons. The work will be completed by July 1st.

A deputation from the St. Lawrence Forwarding Company will ask the Government in a few days to remove the tolls on grain coming through the Welland Canal.

Arrivals for the M.T. Co. - Schrs. Parthenon, Cobourg, 2,800 bush. wheat; Caroline Marsh, Port Hope, 16,053 bush. wheat; K. Eccles, Whitby, 7,753 bush. wheat.

Arrivals at Richardson's - steambarge Nile, 4,800 bush. rye from the canal; barge Bedford, 6,000 bush. rye, canal; sloop Minnie, Long Island, 1,500 bush. oats.

The coal gang (seven), unloading the schr. E. Blake, at the locomotive works, struck today for 25 cents per hour, an advance of 5 cents per hour. The strike was unsuccessful.

The Junita arrived on Saturday night from Clayton with about 20 of the Kingston workmen who were employed on the new steamer St. Lawrence. She left last night for Clayton.

The prop. Ocean broke 2 gates of lock No. 17, on Saturday of the Lachine Canal. The steamer Corsican was to have arrived yesterday, but was delayed on account of the brake.

The schr. Pinafore was sold at Chaumont. The vessel was purchased by A.G. Staples, proprietor of Willard's hotel, Washington, D.C. It is said that Staples will take the boat to Washington, use her for pleasure parties on the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay.

p.3 Here & There - T. Paddon says he did try and get the money due C. Belledeau's mother. While President of the Kingston branch of the Sailors' Union he sent three petitions for it, and gave Mr. Powers' address to Rev. Father Twohey in order that he might write about the matter.

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Date of Original
May 12, 1884
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Rick Neilson
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Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
Maritime History of the Great Lakes
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British Whig (Kingston, ON), May 12, 1884