Maritime History of the Great Lakes

British Whig (Kingston, ON), June 16, 1884

Full Text

p.3 New Steamer's Smoke Stack - The schr. White Oak brought the new steamer St. Lawrence's smoke stack from Oswego. T. Kingsford, of Oswego, built it of boiler iron. In length it measures 35 feet, the diameter of its base is 48 feet (sic) and its circumference about 10 feet.


On Saturday afternoon the third class yachts opened sail on the silver cup. The following yachts were entered: Mr. Strange's Wide-Awake, Mr. Hamilton's Mackinaw, and Mr. Cartwright's Merlin.

The little fleet stood at anchor until the cannon on the Garfield gave them the send off. Immediately they glided away. The course was from a buoy at Swift's wharf to one off Garden Island, back to the city, from thence to Four Mile Point and return.

The Merlin took the lead, and, notwithstanding that she is better in a heavy gale than in a light one, and the wind on Saturday being very light she led Wide-Awake to the Island buoy, the Mackinaw being third. The time was as follows:

h. min. sec.

Merlin 3 17 30

Wide-awake 3 18 15

Mackinaw 3 18 30

After rounding the island buoy there was just enough wind to move the yachts. The Wide-awake cleared the breach between her and Merlin a trifle, and the Mackinaw seemed to be losing ground. Before the city buoy was rounded she was a long way behind the competitors. This was owing to the wind not being fresh enough for her, and her crew, no doubt, realized the fact "that the breath of heaven must fill their sails or all their toil is lost." They rounded the city buoy in the following order:

h. min. sec.

Merlin 3 33 15

Wideawake 3 33 30

Mackinaw 3 37 50

Then they started for Four Mile Point, the Wideawake gradually gained on her competitor, and caught the Merlin on the return home, when about half way between the city and the Point. She passed her and led for home. The city buoy was rounded thus:

h. min. sec.

Wideawake 6 28

Merlin 6 34 15

Mackinaw 6 38 10

The Wideawake has therefore won one out of the five races which are to take place this season before the ownership of the cup is decided.


The sloop Lorraine is loading cedar posts at the spile dock.

The schr. Home left Richardson & Son's today with wheat for Deseronto.

The tug Daly, a dredge and two scows, passed down the river yesterday for Ogdensburg.

The schr. J.G. Worts arrived at Garden Island on Saturday with timber from Toledo.

The schr. Ariadne has arrived from Toronto for the M.T. Co. with 8,500 bush. wheat.

The schr. Houghton, Milwaukee, with 22,787 bush. wheat, arrived for the M.T. Co. today.

The scow Empress lying at Long Island was purchased by Mr. T. Lewis on Saturday for $250.

The steambarge Lily and barge Gipsy Queen, of Ottawa, went to the Cape this morning with ties and cedar posts.

The schr. Annie Foster, with Lehigh and grade coal, arrived at Collinsby today. The grade coal is for the penitentiary.

Swift's wharf - Arrivals: strs. Canada, Corsican, Crusoe and Dominion. Schr. Mary Taylor, Charlotte, 200 tons coal.

The tug Thompson took 6 barges to Rudd's quarry on Saturday for stone, to be used in filling in the M.T. Co.'s new wharf.

Rathbun's wharf - tug Col. By and two barges, Ottawa, 185,000 feet of lumber, have arrived. The schr. Speedwell is loading lumber for Oswego.

The schr. White Oak left the city on Thursday afternoon for Oswego, shipped 380 tosn of coal for Crawford, and arrived back yesterday morning. Good time.

The prop. California was got off the rocks on which she ran on Lake Huron. She will probably reach Detroit tonight. The full extent of the damage will not be known till after the vessel is docked, but it thought to be not so large as was reported at one time.

The str. Rothesay, which has been undergoing repairs in Powers' shipyard for some time, was launched this afternoon. She now looks better than ever. Capt. Estes is a jolly good fellow. Mr. G. Leve, who is stopping at the Windsor Hotel, is the boat's principal owner and witnessed her slide off the ways.

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Date of Original
June 16, 1884
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Rick Neilson
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Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
Maritime History of the Great Lakes
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British Whig (Kingston, ON), June 16, 1884