British Whig (Kingston, ON), June 27, 1884
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The schr. Taylor is loading ore for Fairhaven.
Swift's arrivals - Corsican, Dominion, (line unreadable) Celtic.
The steamer Rothesay left yesterday for Ogdensburg, where she takes in her furniture.
The steambarge Lincoln took on twenty three cords of wood at Breck & Booth's dock last evening.
Rathbun & Co. arrivals - steambarge Nile and Bedford, Trenton, wood; sloops Murray and Two Brothers, Trenton, wood.
The schr. Annandale, from Toledo, with 400 tons of coal, consigned to Breck and Booth, is unloading at the penitentiary wharf.
The barges Princess and William left today for Brockville. They will be used by Capt. Merriman in raising the schr. Sam Cook.
All the big Canadian propellers belonging to Lake Ontario ports are finding a moderate trade between the upper lakes and Montreal, but rates continue low.
M.T. Co. - Arrivals: tug Glide, three barges, Oswego, 1,000 tons coal; prop. Scotia, Duluth, wheat; schr. Watertown, Duluth, 22,000 bush. wheat; prop. Cuba, Chicago, corn. Departure - tug Glide, five barges, 1,000 tons coal, Montreal.
p.3 Secured Another Craft - Capt. Gaskin has abandoned the barge Convoy, and another craft, the Lion, will be blown into splinters on Dominion Day. The Lion was sold to the committee for $125. She will have three masts, be fully rigged, and decorated with bunting and Chinese lanterns. The explosion takes place at 8 o'clock, the boat being anchored off Murney Tower. One of the professors at the Royal Military College will conduct the explosion.
Incidents Of The Day - This morning while D.Brown was loading ore on the schr. Magdala, a hoisting bucket fell on his foot and severely injured it.
The wife of Capt. Short, of Calvin's schooner Bavaria, killed lately on the Georgian Bay, gets $1,500 from the London Masonic Mutual.
The steam yacht E.A. Van Horne was purchased Monday by Allen T. Nye, of Syracuse, for $2,600. She is now lying at Alexandria Bay and is being neatly fitted up.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- June 27, 1884
- Local identifier
- KN.14959
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great