British Whig (Kingston, ON), July 7, 1884
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The schr. O. Mowat is loading ore for Fairhaven.
The prop. St. Magnus has been hauled out at Portsmouth for repairs.
The ferry steamer's trips to the Cape have been changed to 6:30 a.m. and 1:45 p.m.
Capt. Merryman has resumed work upon the sunken schooner Sam Cooke.
The schr. Monitor arrived at Swift's wharf on Saturday with cheese from Sackett's Harbor.
On Saturday evening, between 9 and 10 o'clock, the str. D.D. Calvin in leaving Garden Island got a line caught in one of her wheels. Men worked all night releasing the machinery.
The schr. William Jamieson arrived at Gunn's dock on Saturday with 300 barrels of coal oil and 300 tons of coal. The coal oil was unloaded and the vessel proceeded to Brockville with coal.
Arrivals: Scow F. Smith, Deseronto, wood; Glasgow, cordwood, Deseronto; schr. Speedwell, Toronto, 15,000 bush. wheat; prop. Alma Munro, Chicago, 20,000 bush. corn. Departures: Pilot, light, Deseronto.
The schr. J.H. Breck, from Toledo with timber, has arrived. She discharges part of her cargo at Collinsby and Garden Island. She picked up thirty-five pieces of timber belonging to the Collinsby company at Cleveland, part of the raft broken up last fall.
A schooner sank during the gale of Saturday, five miles west of Brockville. She is down "decks to" and lies on a flat rock. The crew were seen on board by those on the schr. Kate Kelly. The wrecked schooner is the Erie Queen and, we believe, was from Whitby to Prescott with wheat.
The gale of Saturday was fiercer than most people imagined. The schrs. Bangalore and Hyderabad, anchored at the long pier, Portsmouth, tore from their moorings and carried away the spiles to which they were fastened. They struck the steam barge Adventure, stove in part of her bulwarks and injured her stern. The vessels also struck a frame building close by the pier, "the moulding house," moved it fifteen feet and nearly keeled it over.
A Trial Trip Of The New Steamer St. Lawrence.
Late on Saturday afternoon the str. St. Lawrence, having on board a number of gentlemen, went out for a trial trip. Her course was down the river for about ten miles, and her behaviour on the whole gratified her builders. Of course her machinery was somewhat stiff, and her boiler foamed as all new boilers do, but the results were better than were, under the circumstances, to be expected. The steamer is very sharp and has a beautiful sheer, and she cuts through the water like a knife. There was no commotion at the bow, and the feather wheels revolved with a velocity that indicated great speed as well as power. There is every reason to believe, judging by Saturday's test, that the steamer will make 16 or 18 measured miles an hour. Upon this point the owners no longer entertain anxiety. They are perfectly satisfied that they will have not only one of the best looking, in every way the handsomest boat upon the river, but one of the fleetest. She may be the fleetest. Time will tell.
A Very Roomy Boat.
The size of the str. St. Lawrence is very deceptive. When viewed at a distance she does not appear to be as wide, from guard to guard, as the steamers of the Royal Mail Line, but she is, and in length she is only 11 feet shorter. Her hull is, however, of a very different model. It is steel plated, and the guard supports are lower than usual, but they will not be in the water, or, if so, will not impede the progress of the boat to any extent. They could be placed higher, but would not so effectually prevent the drooping of the sides so noticeable with many boats. No steamer entering this harbor has such a fine promenade deck. It is clear from bow to stern, and so railed in that there can be no crowding to the side and therefore no unsteadinesss in motion. On Saturday she ran so smoothly that at times one would be inclined to think she was not going at all. In a walk over her we were enabled to judge of
Her Excellent Appointments.
On the hurricane deck, behind the wheel house, is the captain's quarters. On the promenade deck, under the wheelhouse, is the candy and refreshment stand, and a neat little sitting room. On one side is a closet and on the other several berths. On the main deck, in the bow, is the passage to the forecastle, the lamp room and deck hands' rooms. To one side of the engine is the bar and kitchen; to the other a series of closets and the "stores." The stern will be fitted out pretty much like the Maud, with mahogany finished and plush seats. To one side and attached to the kitchen is a handy little pantry. The steward will thus have every facility in catering to the large number of fastidious tourists who visit our river every year, and for whose accommodation the steamer has been designed. Beneath the dining room we believe the officers' quarters will be located, and a large number of berths will be fitted up. The latter will not be wanted in the day service of the Cape Vincent and Alexandria Bay route, but there may be occasions when their use will be appreciated. We have already stated the size of the steamer, the style of her engine and boiler and the makers of them, and it is unnecessary to repeat the figures. It is sufficient to say that the boat has been built within the time specified in the contract (July 10th) - the first time such a feat has been accomplished within our recollection - and that she is a credit to her builders and owners. Everything about her is good and neat and attractive. Effects will be heightened when the panel work and glazing and painting have been completed, and particularly when the ornaments, which Mr. Martin is painting in the city building, are added to the paddle-boxes. An eagle, above the name, is being outlined in beautiful colors.
Notes and Comments.
Four life boats will be carried.
The St. Lawrence is easily handled.
The carrying capacity is 1,000 passengers.
The first trip, Cape Vincent-Alexandria Bay route, will be made on Saturday.
The officers and crew will be uniformed. A tony boat should have tony attaches.
The equipment will be first class. The furnishing will be supplied at Clayton, for which place the boat leaves on Wednesday or Thursday.
The staircase, with mahogany posts and railing, is very handsome. The stairs will be covered with brass, and brass ornaments will be placed upon several points.
The officers of the craft will be: Mr. Milo Estes, Captain; Mr. Kendell (late of the Rothesay) first mate; Mr. W. Derry (in whom everybody has confidence), engineer; Mr. Roadley, steward.
The steamer is the property of the Thousand Island Steamboat Company, and she will run in connection with the R.W. & O:.R.R., taking the place of the Island Belle, which will be kept as a spare boat.
p.3 Another Yacht Race - third class race entered by Merlin, Wideawake and Belladonna, won by Merlin - details.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- July 7, 1884
- Local identifier
- KN.14966
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great