British Whig (Kingston, ON), July 9, 1884
- Full Text
p.1 District Dashes - The str. Van Horne was sold last Saturday to Geo. Penn, formerly of Gananoque, but now living in Syracuse. Consideration $2,600.
A resident of Amherst Island writes that great injustice is being done fishermen who pay license, by Americans and others being allowed to capture large quantities of fish in the waters of the bay with nets. A party recently caught a barrel of young pickerel which were quite unfit for use. The fishermen say that if this work is to be allowed they will not take out licenses in future.
Later Marine News.
The steambarge Nile and barge Bedford cleared for Deseronto light.
Rathbun's - arrivals - Two Brothers, Trenton, wood; sloop Lorraine, mill wood, Trenton.
The tug Jessie Hall and four barges from Montreal arrived this morning, light. They left later on for Charlotte for coal.
The Pierrepont left this morning for the Wolfe Island Canal to clear away some debris now floating on the water and obstructing navigation.
Accident To The St. Magnus - The prop. St. Magnus, in launching at Portsmouth yesterday, became fast in the ways. She was released by the Folger and steam barge Clinton. In getting off the propeller broke her rudder post. When repaired she will leave for Charlotte and there load coal for Port Arthur.
p.3 Too Many Railroads - Capt. Taylor says the marine business is duller than he has ever known it to be. The railroads are gradually and surely killing it. He is of the opinion that one railroad in Canada is sufficient.
The Sport of The Waves - sail in yacht Capt. Gilroy; rudder disabled.
The schr. Jessie Breck brings a cargo of lumber from Toledo to Kingston at $50 per m.
The Hastings arrived at Napanee yesterday from Port Dalhousie with a dredge and two scows.
Can the str. St. Lawrence really make 16 miles an hour? This is a question agitating the people, and they will soon get all the satisfaction they want.
During the storm on Saturday the schr. Rainbow, while loading straw at George J. Whattam's dock, South Bay, was struck by lightning. It broke off her main topmast and following down the spar set fire to the cargo. The craft was nearly burned and was only saved by being scuttled. The vessel was owned by J. & F. Duetta. The damage to the boat is unknown as yet.
The schr. Erie Queen, wrecked down the river, is thought to be a total loss. After she struck she filled rapidly. The wheat swelled and yesterday forced off the decks. Capt. Merryman is of opinion that she is utterly ruined, her decks being rotten. The Erie Queen was built at Port Rowan by Reyan in 1874, and is owned by Braun & Co., of Port Rowan. She was classed A 2 1/2, 263 tons burthen, and valued at $7,000.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- July 9, 1884
- Local identifier
- KN.14968
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great