British Whig (Kingston, ON), July 17, 1884
- Full Text
p.3 The New Steamer Ready - str. St. Lawrence to begin trips on Monday, Capt. Estes.
Rough Experience - of yacht Hebe, caught in three gales.
Yachting Announcements.
This morning the commodore of the Kingston yacht club received a letter from the secretary of the Oswego yacht club announcing the prizes to be awarded in connection with the races there on the 30th. These are handsome and worthy of Oswego, thus:
First class - $150, $100 and $50.
Second class - $100, $50 and $25.
These total $475, and represent the liberality of the people in a creditable way. Mr. Lee (the club's secretary) hopes the Kingston yachtsmen will put in an appearance and contribute to the success of the event, and Dr. Curtis says that his General Garfield will be there, and also Mr. McKay Robertson's Laura, and of course we hope they will bring some honour and glory to the city.
It is the intention to at once commence the canvass of the city for subcriptions towards the prizes to be awarded to the winners in the races in our harbour, and it is not expected that those here who can enjoy a pretty sight and who are friendly to the club will be less generous than the people of Oswego. At least $475 must be raised.
It is probable, however, that the regatta in this harbour will be postponed for a day or two, possibly till the 4th, and for the reason that sufficient time does not elapse between the 30th of July and 2nd Aug. to cross from Oswego and make good any damages which may result from blows such as the Hebe has just passed through. Of course a postponement here may affect the Belleville yachtsmen, but Commodore Curtis will write them and see what can be done about it. In the local regatta there will probably be six Toronto yachts, three or four from Oswego, and the whole Belleville fleet.
The schrs. Oliver Mowat and Annie M. Foster are loading iron ore for Charlotte and Fairhaven.
The prop. Scotia, Duluth, 16,500 bush. of wheat, and prop. California, Chicago, 6,500 bush. of wheat, arrived at the M.T. Co.'s wharf.
The str. Reindeer is at Davis' shipyard getting a new wheel. The old one was broken while entering Napanee by striking a log.
The strs. Corinthian, Toronto; Corsican, Montreal; props. Armenia, Montreal; Lake Ontario, Hamilton; str. Crusoe, Smith's Falls, and schr. Blanche, Charlotte, coal, were at Swift's last night and today.
The schr. Sam Cook (Cooke ?) has been raised by Capt. Merryman and taken to Ogdensburg where she will be converted into a river barge. It is over two years ago since the schooner, while passing up the river loaded with iron ore, had the misfortune to strike a rock near the Narrows and sink.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- July 17, 1884
- Local identifier
- KN.14975
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great