British Whig (Kingston, ON), Aug. 7, 1884
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p.1 Battersea Echoes - John Miller refitted yacht Firetail and went on cruise on lake (Loughborough Lake - back lake - ed.).
The prop. Niagara cleared for the Welland Canal today.
The schr. Jessie Breck is chartered to load ore for Fairhaven.
The schr. Flora Carveth has arrived from Cleveland with 481 tons of soft coal for Swift.
Some $200 damages are claimed for the collision of the str. Corsican with the St. Lawrence.
Called at Swift's - str. Armenia, Montreal; Corinthian, Toronto, and Passport, Montreal.
The sloop Highland Lassie is at Breck & Booth's dock. Her cargo consists of sixty cords of wood.
The schr. Sylvester Neelon, Manistee, timber, and Jessie Breck, Toledo, timber, arrived at Garden Island.
The strs. Sumner, Alexandria Bay; Ontario, Oswego; and Hero, Belleville, called at Gunn's wharf yesterday.
The steam barge Wilson and consort passed up the river, light, yesterday. She unloaded 10,200 bushels of corn at Ogdensburg on Monday.
The barges Cataraqui and Rideau, mill wood, No. and 4 shingle blocks, and Bertie, 100,000 feet of pine timber, have arrived at Rathbun's dock.
The str. Ontario which runs between Oswego and Alexandria Bay, a new boat and somewhat like the Maud, is a handsome boat and fast. The St. Lawrence is, however, regarded as the fleetest on the river.
The tug Jessie Hall left today with the barges Minnesota, McCarthy, Europe and Kingston carrying 75,000 bush. of wheat for Montreal; also two pin plats for Quebec with 450,000 feet of pine deals.
At Davis' shipyard the str. Lancet is having some changes made in her wheel. The str. Jessie Bain will be docked this evening for repairs. Mr. Davis has closed a contract for a new scow of 2,500 bushels of grain for Chancey Derrow (sic - Daryaw ?) of Simcoe Island. She is to be first-class, double frame, all white timber.
Arrivals at M.T. Co.'s wharf - schr. Mediterranean, Toledo, 15,300 bushels of wheat; prop. Alma Munro, lightened 8,000 bushels of wheat and proceeded to Montreal; tug Jessie Hall, Montreal, four barges, light; tug Active, Montreal, four barges, light. Departures: tug Active, Oswego, three barges to load coal.
p.3 Yachts On A Cruise - Bonita (Benita ?), 8 tons, yawl rigged; steam yacht Ione.
Yesterday the tenders for the tugs F.A. Folger and H.M. Mixer and the plant of the Dominion Salvage & Wrecking Company were opened at the head office, Montreal. The tenders for the boats were not considered, they being held by the Union Bank of Montreal on a mortgage for $10,000. For the balance of the plant Mr. J. Donnelly, jr., and Capt. T. Donnelly, jr., were the successful bidders, their figures being $4,250, the highest. The plant consists of rotary plants Nos. 1 and 2, ($1,500 each); a plunger pump, diving dress, hand pumps, blocks and tackles ($1,000); a steam hoister, ($150); and a wrecking hawser ($100). The other tenderers were Ross & Co., Quebec, $4,150; Mr. Crocker, of the Western Insurance Co., Toronto, $4,120; Capt. Herriman, late President of the Company, Montreal, $4,000 and Capt. J. Donnelly, sr., $3,500.
The Messrs. Donnelly will carry on the business in future.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Aug. 7, 1884
- Local identifier
- KN.14993
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great