British Whig (Kingston, ON), Aug. 15, 1884
- Full Text
p.2 Accident On The River - A Small Boat Run Down By The Rothesay - woman drowned.
p.3 Kingston Measurement Not Accepted - on Kingston yacht Laura by Bay of Quinte Yacht Club.
Sinking of the Yacht Jeanette Thirty-Three Years Ago.
We are reminded of the fact that yesterday was the thirty-third anniversary of the sinking of the yacht Jeanette and of the drowning of sixteen of those on board, and that today thirty-three years ago the city was draped in mourning. The Whig of Aug. 15th, 1851, contains the announcement:
"Late last night, after the Council had risen, the city was thrown into paroxysms of grief by the tidings that nineteen of its young and blooming citizens had met with a watery grave. It would appear that Mr. Jenkins, sail-maker and ship-chandler, of Kingston, had made a party of pleasure down the river in his new sailing boat, built for the approaching regatta, had guests thirty-four in number, and on their return home, when a mile or two below Long Island, the sailing boat was capsized, and, melancholy to relate, nineteen out of the thirty-four were drowned. The Niagara brought up the news and four of the bodies, but as it is late when we write, we are inaccurately furnished with the particulars. An inquest will be held this morning at 10 o'clock before Dr. Barker, one of the city Coroners, at the Council Chamber, when the true facts of the fearful accident will be known. The following are the names of the parties, who are said to have perished, most of them we regret to say, of the softer sex."
List of the Drowned.
Miss Stacey, Mrs. Youlden, Misses Youlden, Miss Mason, Misses Haight, Mrs. G. Hunter, Miss A. Hunter, Thos. Grist, Mrs. Jenkins, Miss Jenkins, Mrs. Gaskin, Mary Anne Proby, Edward Proby, Mr. H.A. Mills, Miss Mills, Mr. Thorne and Miss Walker, nineteen in all.
List of the Saved.
D.B. Jenkins, James Wilson, Thos. Haight, Wm. Leckie, Edward Haight, H.O. Hitchcock, David McAllum, Wm. Jenkins, Chas. McKenzie, Alex. Phillips, John O'Shea, Geo. Hunter, Chas. Mills and Henry Johnson, sixteen in all.
How The Accident Happened.
The nature of the accident is gleaned from the evidence taken at the enquiry which began on the day following the accident (16th) and was concluded on the 18th. Mr. Johnston, the musician on board, said the yacht left the city about 10:15 o'clock, Mr. Hiram O. Hitchcock acting as sailing master. Between 3 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon the boat was proceeding to French Creek, about half or three-quarters of a mile below Long Island, when a squall struck her. She careened, became unmanageable, and within three minutes went down stern foremost in twenty feet of water. The yacht was sailing with a free sheet and took the wind abeam, and, before her head could be got around or her main sail lowered she capsized. Mr. Johnston and seven others of the rescued clung to the mast. Mr. Alex. Phillips was of the opinion that the not-righting of the yacht was caused by the shifting of the ballast. When the vessel was attempted to be luffed up she did not answer her helm and the jib could not be let go because the cleet was underwater. All the ladies were in the cock-pit, and witness did not see any of them rise. When the vessel settled on the bottom about four or five feet of her mast remained above water. Capt. McSurly, of the schr. Tom Dick, took the deck load off his vessel and went to the scene of the accident; so did the soldiers of the garrison in the commissariat boat, and the master and crew of an American vessel lying at the foot of Long Island. All the bodies were recovered in time.
The City In Mourning.
Saturday, the 16th, was a day of gloom and sorrow. The shops were kept closed all day, all the vessels in the harbour had their colors at half-mast; the church bells tolled at intervals; and every outward mark of grief was manifested.
Tett's fleet have cleared for Bedford Mills, light.
The schr. A. Foster has arrived with 160 tons coal from Oswego.
The sloop Lorraine left today with cedar posts for Cape Vincent.
The schr. Bangalore arrived at Portsmouth last night with grain from Toledo.
The steamer Chieftain took the barges Jett, Princess and Lark to Oswego last evening.
The steamers Corinthian, Montreal, and Corsican, Toronto, called at Swift's wharf today.
Four barges of the K. & M. Forwarding Company have been docked at Montreal for repairs.
Calvin & Son's ninth raft, (10 drams), left Garden Island last evening in tow of the tug John A. Macdonald for Quebec.
The dredge Ontario is now at work at Shannonville, her place on the Napanee to be taken by Capt. Munson's dredge.
The M.T. Co.'s arrivals were: prop. California, Chicago, lightened 7,000 bush. corn; tug Thompson, Oswego, two barges, 1,200 tons of coal. Departures: tug Thompson, schr. E. Blake, Weller's Bay, to load iron ore; a canal boat, with ashes, Oswego.
The tidy yacht Fascination arrived in port last night from the Thousand Islands whither she went from Oswego, on Friday. The yacht is small to be speedy. She was in the yacht race at Oswego, but was struck by the gale which did such damage to the boats, and had to be towed in. Her skipper is G. Harrison, who is assisted by Dr. Eilbeck, W. McFarlane, Neil Gray and Henry Mead. In a few days they will start for home calling at Henderson on the way.
The handsome steamer Ida, to be launched on Saturday afternoon at Deseronto, was commenced in May and would have been finished by the first of July had there not been vexatious delay in getting the machinery. The dimensions of the vessel are as follows: length of keel, 85 feet; over all, 90 feet; breadth of beam, 20 ft.; depth of hold, 7 ft.; draft of water, 4 ft. 6 in.; width at water line17 ft. Her carrying capacity will be 150 tons and she can accommodate about 250 passengers. There are several state rooms on the upper cabin. The cabin is panelled inside and out, and the dining room is 23 ft. long and 15 ft. wide, having waiters and wash room attached. The officers' rooms are on the main deck. The boiler, engine and machinery were constructed by Black Bros., Brockville. The engine is 12 inches bore, and 14 in. stroke and it will propel a wheel of a peculiar make the Clute, manufactured in Scenectady, 4 ft. 8 inches. The boat will attain a speed of ten miles an hour.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Aug. 15, 1884
- Local identifier
- KN.15000
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great