British Whig (Kingston, ON), Aug. 26, 1884
- Full Text
p.3 Fight On The Wharf - 2 sailors on prop. Bruno.
City Council - fire engine by-law - how much to cost for ordinary citizens to use, (eg. for pumping out vessels ?)
The prop. Bruno and barge Laura, from Marquette, arrived yesterday with deals.
The sloops Trent and Murray have arrived with lumber from Trenton for W. McRossie.
The barges S.P.C. and Ellen, from Montreal, arrived at Gunn's wharf this morning in tow of the tug Chieftain.
The shovellers of the M.T. Co. had to cease work last night on the prop. St. Magnus on account of the stormy weather.
The schr. Anna M. Foster stuck in the mud near the cotton mill yesterday. She had a cargo of coal screenings. She was released this morning.
The prop. Niagara started out last night, but had only reached the Main Ducks when she was obliged to return. The lake was very boisterous.
M.T. Co. arrivals: tug Thompson and four barges, Montreal. Two were loaded with railroad iron for the K. & P.R.R. Departure: tug Thompson, six barges, 180,000 bush. grain for Montreal.
The handsome yacht Ethol, here during the recent regatta, has been purchased by a syndicate of Oswego yachtsmen, and is now at that port. The Ethel is a valuable addition to the Oswego club, and is the largest and handsomest yacht of the fleet.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Aug. 26, 1884
- Local identifier
- KN.15008
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great