British Whig (Kingston, ON), Aug. 28, 1884
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p.1 Bedford Mills - str. Mary Bedford on Devil Lake.
p.3 Sold His Yacht - Col. Hance sold Lancet and bought sailing craft Anna Laura.
Sale Of A Steamer - This morning the str. Conqueror was sold by auction at Hutcheson's rooms. The craft was purchased by James Stewart of the Kingston & Montreal Forwarding Company for $5,000. John O'Shea bid $2,000. The vessel has been probably secured by her original owner, Mr. Ross, of Quebec.
And She Wasn't Doing Her Best - speed of St. Lawrence.
Who Is To Blame - The President of the Seamens' Union says that the captain of the schr. Spry came to the union sailors' room and told him that he had four non-union men working on board his vessel, and if they could be driven off he would hire four union men. The President advised his men not to meddle with the non-union sailors. The union sailors were surprised when they learned that the captain of the Spry had applied for police protection.
Just A Little Too Late - When the schr. E.J. McVea from Kingston reached Charlotte, Tuesday, three members of the crew took it into their heads to enforce the payment of wages due them, which amounted to about $85. They had been told by the captain that the vessel would lay at Charlotte several hours, so they quietly stole away to Rochester and reported their grievances. The writ of attachment was placed in the hand of Deputy Marshall Bardwell for service. The Marshall hastened to Charlotte in company with the three men only to find that the schooner had sailed away. The captain had picked up a man and a boy and cleared. The three men had just about money enough from the sailors' union to get to Chicago. There they will try it again.
Joseph Green Drowned - deckhand on str. St. Lawrence, while drawing gangplank, fell into water near Millen's Bay.
A Collision This Morning - This morning when the Hero reached Massassaga Point, at 4:15 o'clock, the captain sighted the steam barge Saxon coming up, and he whistled for her to take her own side, but her captain steamed straight ahead, and the steamers collided. The Hero struck the Saxon on the starboard side, and broke her stern. The captain of the Hero does not know whether the Saxon is injured. By the collision passengers were thrown out of their berths. The owners of the Hero will sue Messrs. Phippen & Graham, of Belleville, for damages.
Yesterday, the Whig editorially referred to Capt. Solomon Monck, having years ago rescued a crew from a water-logged vessel off South Bay Point. Capt. Joseph Kennedy, one of the survivors of the wreck, was ? last evening and said he remembered the affair quite well. It occurred seventeen years ago, the vessel was the Minerva Cook, owned by Calvin & Breck. She left Garden Island in the fall and went to Toronto to load timber. Her skipper was Capt. Spencer and his assistants T. Longuer, mate; Joseph Kennedy, (now Captain), S. McDonald, J. Springs, M. McCafferty, L. Julien, (now Captain), and Miss Elizabeth Kennedy, sister of Captain Kennedy. The schooner left Toronto heavily laden. She was a craft not very safe in a gale. It blew very strong and when opposite the Highlands Capt. Spencer turned her around and ran into Toronto harbour again. Later a start was again made though the wind was blowing hard. The vessel was allowed to go ahead. Everything went well until 2 a.m. when they were opposite South Bay. The wind blew with great force dashing the waves against the vessel and washing clean over the deck and into the hatches. The boat rocked, the masts swayed, the wind whistled through the rigging, and at every fierce gust the crew expected to see the masts wrenched from their positions. At last the schooner settled and laid over on her side. The waves washed the crew overboard, but they came out safe and
Clung To The Rigging And Spars.
Kennedy and Capt. Spencer took care of Miss Kennedy. Her brother lashed her to a spar but she was tossed around so that she could not stand the pressure of the rope around her body. She complained of it cutting her. She was also afraid that the breakers would dash the floating timber on top of her. She was released and drifted from the vessel. One of the men caught her and lifted her to the side of the vessel, but she could not hang on, her strength had left her. She floated to the other side of Spencer and her brother tried to reach her but he could not and she sank before his eyes. The night was very cold, and at last the crew climbed into the main rigging. At daylight, a crowd gathered on the beach but no one dared to venture in their boats, until Capt. Monck came limping along. He had been a sailor for a number of years previously, and undoubtedly knew what it was to be wrecked. Capt. Monck was not in condition to render
Assistance To A Drowning Crew
for the day previous, he and his son were driving to Picton with a spirited horse and it ran away. Capt. Monck was hurled against a fence. His face was battered badly, and one of his ribs broken. However he hobbled to the shore and saw the white caps roll and knew that any fishing smack that would go out would be shipwrecked. However, with his life in his hands, he went out, and took two men with him. The boat had only gone a short distance when she shipped water, and Monck's men cried to return. This was finally done, but Capt. Monck shipped two other men started out reached the wreck and saved Kennedy and two others. Another boat saved the other members of the crew, but who their rescuers were Capt. Kennedy did not know.
The schr. King is unloading timber at Garden Island.
The schr. Elgin arrived today with 200 tons of coal for Swift.
The rate on grain from Chicago to Kingston is 4 cents free of canal tolls.
The tug McArthur left for Toronto today with schr. Jessie Drummond.
The schr. F. Wells, Charlotte, is in port with 162 tons of coal for Crawford.
Swift's arrivals: prop. Armenia, Montreal; strs. Corsican, Montreal, and Corinthian, Toronto.
The Oswego Manufacturing Co. has purchased 7,000,000 feet of pine lumber at Ottawa. The Rathbun Co. will tranship it.
The schr. Crosswaite, the largest vessel in port for two years, is at Portsmouth. She comes from Chicago, and has a cargo of 48,000 bush. of corn.
M.T. Co. - Arrivals: tug Active, Gaskin and Glenora, Charlotte, 1,600 tons coal. Departures: tug Active, Montreal and six barges, 120,000 bush. grain; and two barges with deals.
The work of deepening the Welland Canal to a uniform depth of fourteen feet will be proceeded with at once. The whole work of increasing the depth from 12 to 14 feet will cost about $1,000,000; $750,000 will be asked for at the next session of Parliament. It is believed that the work can be completed in two years.
Hereafter all persons in the States applying for licenses as engineers or pilots on the lakes will be required to furnish proof to the steamboat inspectors of their being American citizens. Inspectors will now refuse a license to persons not giving satisfactory proof of being American citizens, either by birth or naturalization. This will throw about 500 men out of employment until they be made citizens.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Aug. 28, 1884
- Local identifier
- KN.15010
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Rick Neilson
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great