I have a letter from Ernest S. Crosby to my grandfather, Captain Georges Duguay, July 23, 1930 Dear Captain, We received word by telephone this morning from Capt Crompton of the incident which occurred in the river on the Algonquins last voyage down. He tells me that you used exceptional skill and judgment in saving the steamer from a very bad accident. This being the case we wish to thank you and express our appreciation of the good work. He goes on to request a written report of the incident.
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I have a letter from Ernest S. Crosby to my grandfather, Captain Georges Duguay, July 23, 1930 Dear Captain, We received word by telephone this morning from Capt Crompton of the incident which occurred in the river on the Algonquins last voyage down. He tells me that you used exceptional skill and judgment in saving the steamer from a very bad accident. This being the case we wish to thank you and express our appreciation of the good work. He goes on to request a written report of the incident.
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