Posted by Craig L Martin, 27 January 2012 at 10:40
I have recently sold an 1821 1+ page manuscript which datelines "steamboat Ontario." The author is James Turner of New York, NY to his wife(?) Margaret. The letter is postmarked Rochester, Aug. 12 (1821.) Turner wrote the letter at Hanford's Landing. He was waiting for Ontario to take he and his brother William back to Rochester. There is no mention of a Buffalo in the letter.
The scope of the letter is mostly about Turner's trip into the Niagara area, w/ an especially detailed description of the Falls. He says he is on a trip to survey the courts of the area, and has spent some time at the Indian Village on Canadian "battleground" side of the river.
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I have recently sold an 1821 1+ page manuscript which datelines "steamboat Ontario." The author is James Turner of New York, NY to his wife(?) Margaret. The letter is postmarked Rochester, Aug. 12 (1821.) Turner wrote the letter at Hanford's Landing. He was waiting for Ontario to take he and his brother William back to Rochester. There is no mention of a Buffalo in the letter.
The scope of the letter is mostly about Turner's trip into the Niagara area, w/ an especially detailed description of the Falls. He says he is on a trip to survey the courts of the area, and has spent some time at the Indian Village on Canadian "battleground" side of the river.
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