ALPHABETICAL LIST OF OWNERS OR MANAGERSóContinued No. 38C COUNTY BOARD OF CHARLEVOIX, MICH. M/B Charlevoix No. 39 CHICAGO, DULUTH & GEORGIAN BAY TRANSIT CO., E. J. Goebel, Ex-Vice Pres., Dist. Pass. Agt. W. R. Win-gate, Ford Bldg., Phone Woodward 3-6760, Detroit 26, Mich. Str. Alabama Str. North American (Radar Equipped) Str. South American (Radar Equipped) No. 42 CHRISTIANSEN & SONS, H., Lake Ave., So., Duluth, Minn. M/V Detroit No. 42 1/2 CITY OF CHICAGO, Chicago, 111. Fire Tug Joseph Medill Fire Tug Victor L. Schlaeger No. 42A CLAYTON TWINYAH BOAT LINE, Clayton, New York. M/B Anywhere M/B Edith 1st. M/B Edith 2d. M/B Just Brown M/B Miss Clayton M/B Miss Clayton 2d. No. 43 CLEVELAND-CLIFFS IRON CO., Harold L. Gobeille, Mgr., Marine Dept., John L. Horton, Marine Supt., Pur. Agt., H. G. Shade, Union Commerce Bldg., Phone CH. 1-2356, Cleveland 14, Ohio. (All Radar Equipped) Cleveland-Cliffs Steamship Co. Str. Cadillac Str. Champlain Str. Cliffs Victory Str. Frontenac Str. Grand Island Str. Greene, Edward B. Str. Hennepin Str. Ishpeming Str. Joliet Str. LaSalle Str. Marquette CLEVELAND-CLIFFS IRON CO. Continued. Str. Mather, W. G. Str. Michigan Str. Pioneer Str. Pontiac Str. Sheadle, J. H. Presque Isle Trans. Co. Str. Angeline Str. Presque Isle Str. White, Peter Chartered from U. S. Maritime Commission by The Cleveland-Cliffs Steamship Company. Str. Chacornac Str. Colonel Str. Munising Str. Negaunee Str. Yosemite No. 45 CLEVELAND TANKERS, INC., 1700 Standard Bldg., 1370 Ontario St.., Phone Prospect 1-3400, Cleveland 13, Ohio. Capt. L. M. Jonassen, Pres. Wm. Klass, Fleet Supt. V. A. Elliott, Vice Pres. C. Rock, Pur. Agt. J. Wedow, Charter Mgr. M/V Clevelander Str. Comet* M/V Detroiter Str. Meteor* H. W. Collins, Adm. Asst. Operations L. M. Smith, Office Counsel Str. Orion* M/V Polaris* Str. Rocket* Str. Taurus* * (Radar Equipped) No. 46 CLEVELAND & BUFFALO STEAMSHIP CO., Thomas J. McGuire, Owner, H. G. Dase, Pres., 333 North Michigan Ave., Phone State 2-7210, Chicago 1, 111. Str. City of Grand Rapids No. 48 COAL CARRIERS CORP., LTD., W. B. Reynolds, Pres.. Mgr., and Pur. Agent, W. F. Fletcher, Consulting Engineer, 12 King St. E., Phone 3911, Brockville, Ont. Str. Coalfax Bayfax Steamship's Ltd. Str. Bayfax 102