Bt^rwi Of *,arJn ;,.,-,, , Automobile docks: h NicHolson Transit - NP 546, «£ »•« Horn Dock - McDougal (Duluth) Terminal. •>, *» 1 Transit Dock -<KP 2 Zjb o * --*D'.- .'¦^i Not0: '4 no longer fn operation ^42. % DULUTH, MINNESOTA Berwind Fuel Co. Dock No. 2. Capitol Elevators 4 & 5, 6 & 7. Carnegie Coal & Dock Co. No. 2 (Foot 50th Ave. W.) Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co. Cutler-Magner Co. (Salt Dock), Foot of 5th Av. W. Cutler-Magner Co. (Lime Dock), Foot of 8th Av. W. D. M. & I. R. R. Co. General Mills Elevators "A," & "B." Norris Elevators "E," "F," "H" and "I." DULUTH-SUPERIOR HARBOR Inland Coal & Dock Co., (Foot 50th Ave. W.) Marine Iron & Shipbuilding Co. Northern Pacific R. R. Lumber Dock. Northwestern-Hanna Fuel Co. (Dock No. 4, Garfield Ave.) Northwestern-Hanna Fuel Co. (Dock No. 5, 37th Ave. West) Occident Elevator. Peavy Elevator. St. Louis Bay Dock Co. (Missabe Coal Dock). Zenith Furnace Co. (Interlake Iron Corp.) as SprlnJ s will bo loading dock ?f Imperial Oil Boats] s year * ~SVP£* ,03 &**" 280 Copyrighted by M. E. Green, 1951