COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES—Continued International Harvester Co. (Wisconsin Steel Works)— Location: 111th St. 1 Brown Bridge. 10 ton clam shell used. Capacity per 10 hours 5,000 tons. Storage capacity 185,000 tons. Depth of water 22 feet. Can handle 600 foot boats. R. R. Conn.:C. W. P. Supt.—L. B. Robertson. Material Service Corp. (Yard No. 10)— Phone Franklin 2-3600 Office: 33 North La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Located on Calumet River, east of 92d St. Bridge. 1 Ohio Whirley with 50-foot boom and 2-yard bucket. Capacity per hour 250 tons. 1 Link Belt with 45-foot boom and 1-yard bucket. Capacity per hour 200 tons. Storage capacity 50,000 yards. 2 hoppers, capacity 200 tons. Can handle any size boat. Depth of water at dock 19'6". Length of dock 700 feet. Material Service Corp.— Location: West of 92d St. Bridge. Office: 33 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. Self-unloading boats preferred. 5 hoppers with capacity of 600 tons. Storage capacity on dock 50,000 tons. Length of dock 500 feet. Depth of water at dock 19'6". Can handle any size boat. R. R. Conn.: Chicago Belt Line. Pittsburgh Coal Co. (Fuel Dock) — Location: 94th St. Length of dock 300 feet. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. 2 McMylers with a capacity of 60 tons per hour. R. R. Conn.: C. R. I. & P. Rail To Water Transfer Corporation— Leo M. Geissal, V.P. and G.M., Phone: Franklin 2-7676. Office—208 South LaSalle—Room 578. Dock located on West Side of Calumet River at 101st— Phone Essex 5-3700. Dock Equipment—Conveyor type 54" Belt-loading directly out of cars—telescopic chute. Loading capacity per hour 1,500 tons. Can handle vessels up to 600 foot in length. Depth of water at dock 20 feet. R. R. connections: Belt Line. Supt.—J. A. Emrick. Res. Phone South Shore 8-5241. Traffic Mgr.—Howard Vander Meer. Res. Phone Commodore 4-1139. Republic Steel Corp (DPC)— Phone Bay 1-2000. General Office Republic Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Chicago Office, 116th St. and Burley Ave., Chicago 17, 111. Location of Dock: 112th St. and Calumet River. Traffic Manager—A. J. Yonker. Res. Phone Triangle 1-7159. Pur. Agent—F. J. Laskey, Republic Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. 2-Huelett Electric Unloaders. Size of clam shells used 17 tons. Capacity per 10 hours on coal 6000 tons. Storage capacity on coal 275,000 tons. Storage capacity on stone 157,000 tons. Depth of water at dock 21 feet. Can handle any size boat. Length of dock 2000 feet. R. R. Conn: I. H. B.—P. R. R. Supt.—Paul Johnson. Res. Phone Cedarcrest 1-6917. Republic Steel Corporation (DPC)— Phone Bay 1-2000. Location 112th Street and the Calumet River. Address 116th and Burley Ave., Chicago 17, 111. Traffic Manager—A. J. Yonker. Res. Phone Triangle 1-7159. Pur. Agent—F. J. Laskey, Republic Bldg. Cleveland 1, Ohio. READ CAREFULLY EVERY ADVERTISEMENT IN THIS DIRECTORY 462