COAL AND MISCELLANEOUS DOCKS OF THE GREAT LAKES—Continued Chesapeake & Ohio Ry. Co. (Presque Isle Dock), Station A— Phone Taylor 4661. Located on the east side of the Maumee River. 3 car dumping machines (Brown hoist electric). Capacity per 10 hours 25,000 tons each. Storage capacity of cars 7,000. Depth of water at dock 24 feet. Length of slip 2,000 feet, width 260 feet. Can handle any size boat. R. R. Conn.: C. & O. Ry. Supt.—J. W. Marshall. Phone Fairfax 3839. Purchasing Agent—A. W. Hix, Cleveland, Ohio. Toledo (City)— Dock located at foot of Madison Ave. Method of storage, warehouse and load direct to cars. Capacity of warehouse 10,000 square feet. Depth of water at dock 16 feet. R. R. Conn.: Pennsylvania. Ironville Dock & Coal Co.— Location: Foot of Millard Ave. Office: 1300 Leader Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Fueling dock. 76 4-ton buckets on Lighter Mansfield. Supt.—F. L. Carroll. Hills & Pound— Phone Main 2118. Dock located at foot of Magnolia St. This dock is 1,500 feet long, with three parallel tracks. Warehouse alongside track. 2 steam cranes with 55 foot booms. Capacity per 10 hours 1,000 tons. Capacity of warehouse 15,000 square feet. Storage capacity unlimited for bulk material. Size of clam shells used, 1 1%-yard, 1 1%-yard. Depth of water at dock 18 feet. R. R. Conn.: Pennsylvania. Toledo Lakefront Dock Co.— Garfield 8346. Location: Maumee Bay—East and Lakeward of C. & O. Docks. Operator: Toledo Lakefront Dock Co., Station A, Toledo 5, Ohio. T. C. Sparks, Mgr., Hanna Bldg., Cleveland 15, Ohio. Phone Tower 1-3300. 2 Hyle & Patterson Electric Car Dumpers. Capacity 40,000 tons in 10 hours. 1 Wellman Electric Car Dump. Capacity 15,000 tons in 10 hours. Depth of water at dock 25 feet. Can handle any size boat. 2 slips with 350 foot openings. Length of dock 1,800 feet. R. R. Conn.: Terminal R. R. Supt. C. C. Pund. Phone Lawndale 1883. Toledo Marine Terminal, Inc.— Phone Taylor 9820. 26 Main Street. Dock located East side Maumee River just past Cherry Street Bridge. 1,000-foot dock. 22-foot water. Direct rail connections. Toledo Plaster & Supply Co.— Phone Adams 7715. North of Penn. R. R. Bridge, west side of river. Mgr.—Harry N. Hansen. Address: Bancroft and Albion St. Phone Forest 3000. 1 Browning 25-ton locomotive crane. Length of booms 50 feet. Size of buckets used 1V2 yard. Unload direct to cars or dock storage. Depth of water at dock 14 feet. Length of dock 800 feet. Maximum length boat that can reach dock 550 feet. R. R. Conn.: Penna. and Toledo Belt Line. Supt.—Carl Fryman. TORONTO, ONT. Canada Coal, Ltd.— Office: 1708 Sterling Tower. Phone AD 3494. Located ship channel. Pur. Agt.—R. O. Petman. SEE OUR COMPLETE MAPS OF HARBORS 469