FORECAST OF 1951 ORE RATES In mid-December a large Great Lakes ship-operating firm entered into an agreement with several shippers covering an increase in Lake freight rates for the transportation of iron ore for the season of 1951. The rates agreed upon were as follows: Per Gross Tons Head of Lake Superior to Lower Lake Ports......$1.45 Marquette to Lower Lake Ports.................. 1.305 Escanaba to Lake Erie.......................... 1.09 Escanaba to Lake Michigan...................... 0.87 COAL Per Net Ton Head of Lake Superior..........................$ .75 Lake Michigan ports north of Milwaukee...........83 Lower Lake Michigan ports.......................90 It is understood that the increase will also apply to transportation of limestone. These rates are effective immediately. CHARTER FEES ON GRAIN INCREASED Charter fees on grain cargoes was increased recently with the charter of a number of vessel companies at the new rate which became effective October 2. The new schedule represents the first change in these rates in over 25 years. The new grain charter rates are as follows. Freight Rate Charter Fee (per bushel) (per 1,000 bushel) Under 4c......................................20c 4c to 4%c.....................................30c 5c to 5%c.....................................40c 6c to 6%c.....................................50c 7c to 7%c.....................................60c 8c to 87/8c.....................................70c 9c and over....................................80c The new maximum rates for wheat and rye, as reported by the Associated Press from Winnipeg, follow (old figures in parenthesis) : Lakehead to Georgian Bay ports, Goderich, Sarnia and Walker-ville, 5% cents per bushel (4%). Lakehead to Port Colborne, 7% (6); to Toronto, 8 (6y2); to Kingston, 8% (7); to Prescott, 9 (7%); to Montreal, Sorel, Three Rivers and Quebec city direct, 16 (12y2); if transferred at intermediate points, 16 (13). Corresponding increases were announced for barley and oats. The rates became effective yesterday. The board stipulated that the new rates would be increased 2 cents a bushel for grain loaded in December, 1951, to cover increased insurance costs at the tail-end of the navigation season. C. HANNON, Pres. H. J. GREENAN, Secy. Chicago Grain Trimmers Association Inc* ROOM 1043 — 327 SO. LA SALLE STREET H. J. GREENAN, Agent (Day—WAbash 2-2553-8393 Telephones \ Night—Aberdeen 4-6395 ( Aberdeen 4-6391 485