The Beaver was a ship of John Astor that sailed around the world from 1810 to 1813. Is this the same ship? My gggrandfather was a young Scotish sailor who served as a bowsan on this trip. He was later a captain of the ship Elizabeth on Lake Erie. He lived in Clearville, Ontario. His ship was a three masked schooner. His cargo was lunber from J. Henson who assisted run away slaves north of clearvill. His name was Neil Ruthven who got a land grant from Col.Talbot He was a captain from 1830 to about 1850. He was hit by an iron pot that broke both of his legs and he retired to the life of a farmer. Do you have any additional information? Thanks Hugh d. Ruthven.
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The Beaver was a ship of John Astor that sailed around the world from 1810 to 1813. Is this the same ship? My gggrandfather was a young Scotish sailor who served as a bowsan on this trip. He was later a captain of the ship Elizabeth on Lake Erie. He lived in Clearville, Ontario. His ship was a three masked schooner. His cargo was lunber from J. Henson who assisted run away slaves north of clearvill. His name was Neil Ruthven who got a land grant from Col.Talbot He was a captain from 1830 to about 1850. He was hit by an iron pot that broke both of his legs and he retired to the life of a farmer. Do you have any additional information? Thanks Hugh d. Ruthven.
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