Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Cobourg (Steamboat), 1 Apr 1834

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THE NEW STEAMER C O B O U R G. - We had an opportunity of going over this splendid vessel the other day, and we publish the following description of her for public information. She is 152 feet in length on deck; 36 feet breadth of beam; 11 feet in the hold, and 418 1/2 tons burden, by admeasurement. She is propelled by two low pressure 50 horse power engines, which are capable of working to to 60 each. The boilers are on the same principle as those of the "UNITED STATES" Steam Boat, and are sufficiently strong to carry twenty inches of steam.
      The Cabins of the COBOURG are spacious and convenient, and are fitted up with great taste and with every regard to the accommodation and comfort of the different descriptions of travellers. The Gentleman's Cabin is 70 feet in length, with a handsome dining table of 50 feet long, and is well lighted. There are 40 berths in this cabin, including those of two exceedingly snug and comfortable family state-rooms, the one having four, and the other six berths. This cabin is carpeted throughout, and is, in every respect, neatly and genteel furnished. There is a bar attached to the Gentleman's cabin, which is so snugly and unobtrusively posted under cover of the flight of steps decending from the middle deck, that it can scarcely give offence to the most rigid member of the Temperance Society; since it need only be observed by those who wish to find it out!
      The Ladies Cabin is furnished with great elegance and taste - with fine Turkey carpets, vis; rich blue damask curtains, two handsome sofas, a splendid mirror, &c, and the matrasses are all made of the best curled hair. This cabin has 12 berths, exclusive of two family state-rooms, which communicate both with the Ladies cabin and with the deck, and have two berths in each. A water close and a wash room are attached to this cabin.
      The forward cabin is arranged in the normal way, and contains 20 berths.
      In the ninor depertments, or rather the working or operative departments, it struck us that the COBOURG is particulary convenient. The fire-rooms, for instant, are entirely distinct from every other part of the vessel, where the firemen discharge their duties ot taking in wood and attending the fires without inconveniencing, or being inconvenienced by the other people on board the vessel. The cooking house, the mess rooms for the seamen, and for the firemen, the deck bar-room, &c., all with suitable sleeping apartments attached, are most conveniently arranged for the duties and comfort of the parties for whom they are designed.
      The forward and after decks are more commodious than thos of any other boat that we have seen, and as it is intended to have curtains of trapaulins to roll up and down, after the manner of the stage wagons of the country, for the purpose of closing in the decks in bad weather, the comfort and health of deck passengers will be greatly promoted and protected.
      Several trials have been made of the speed of the COBOURG, and the power of her machinery. Captain Mackintosh informs us that the trip from Niagara to York was done in three hours; and that in several trials of her speed she performed equal to 35 miles per hour. There was a short trial of strength the other day between the COBOURG and the WILLIAM 1V. (heretofore considered the fastest boat on these waters) in which trial, though the fact has been disputed, the palm was generally awarded to the COBOURG, and the public impression appears to be that her speed will be greater than that of any other steamer on Lake Ontario.
      The body of this fine boat was built under the management of Mr. Hathaway, the cabinet work and the fitting up of the cabins and the other apartments of the vessel, under the management of Mr. Nathan Bandford - the whole being under the superintendence of Captain Charles Mackintosh, the master of the boat; and the complete and almost perfect style in which the whole is executed affords the best evidence of the talents and professional skill of the whole of these persons.
      The machinery of the COBOURG was manufactured in the town of York, at the foundry of Messrs. Sheldon, Dutcher & Company; and as all the engineers and other professional and scientific men who have examined the engines and other machinery, and who have witnessed their operation, concur in pronouncing those of the COBOURG to be at least equal to any ever manufactured in these Provinces we can have no hesitation in representing them as such to our readers, and in congratulating the people of Upper Canada upon the highly successful issue of the labors of the indefatigable and enterprising proprietors of this foundry, who have spared no expense or exertions to bring their establishment to perfection. - York Courier.
      Colonial Advociate
      Thursday, March 20, 1834

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We proposed ourselves the pleasure of a trip to Niagara last Saturday in the splendid steamer COBOURG, but were prevented by business engagements. We have since examined the COBOURG and made particular enquiries concerning her speed and manner of sailing, and believe she will be found to be the swiftest sailer on the lake, and without that disagreeable tremulous motion which renders lake sailing so unpleasant in several of the lake steamers. The COBOURG measures 448 tons, is 152 feet long, and 48 feet wide, with main and promenade decks, the latter very spacious. She is fitted up in the most expensive, scientific, and substantial manner; her engines are on safe 'low pressure' principle, and are of great force (100 horse power;) and her builder, Hathaway (from Eckford's New York) gave the greatest satisfaction to the owners, for displaying the most perfect knowledge of his profession as a ship-wright, united with the utmost anxiety to do justice to the confidence and trust reposed in him.
      The gentlemen's cabin, and dining room is spacious and very tastefully furnished, with elegant Brussels carpeting; the joiner work was done by N. Sanford, the painting by A. Hamilton (King Street,) and the upholstery by Kesso and Struthers. It is eighty seven feet long by eighteen feet in width, with berths and sleeping accomodation for upwards of a hundred gentlemen. Behind the cabin stair is a bar room, in which we perceived some of the outward signs of good living--champaigne, claret, (Chateau Margon,) excellent madeira, port of the first vintage, &c. &c. &c. There is a number of private state-rooms with two berths in each, ornamented by pilasters surmounted by one of the richest orders of architecture. If there were a Queen and House of Peeresses in Upper Canada, the ladies' cabin of the COBOURG, would answer extremely well for their audience chamber--it is a lovely place, fitted up with every ornament which wealth could supply or fancy suggest. It is placed above the gentlemen's cabin on the quarter deck, and there are two state-rooms adjoining--happy is she who is so fortunate as to secure them at the commencement of a voyage. The chairs and furniture of the ship are of the most gorgeous description, and no expense has been spared in any department, but we doubt not that she will pay well, being under the command of Capt. Charles MacKintosh, the largest shareowner, whose long experience of the lake navigation, united to his high character for assiduity and integrity, and an extensive knowledge of the trade of the colony, and tho' merchants doing buisness in the Upper Country, will secure to the steamer a full share of the public patronage.
      The hold will contain a thousand barrels of flour, and the deck, five hundred more. There is a half-price forward cabin with 20 berths, very comfortable and convenient to the prudent and economical. Tarpaulins are provided all round the promenade deck, to prevent the storms from incommoding the passengers when walking on the main deck.
      The COBOURG has commenced her first trip to Prescott, and on her return we shall endeavour to learn the exact time she took on the way, stoppages included We can safely recommend her to families and passengers travelling on the lake, and will guarrantee to all, moderate charges, good usage, with reasonable expedition, a light ship and well chosen crew.
      Colonial Advocate, York
      Thursday, April 10, 1834

Lake Ontario Steam Boats. - The new British Steam-boat COBOURG, commenced her trips between Prescott and Niagara this week, and will stop at this Port both on her upward and downward passage. She will leave this Port for Niagara, touching at Cobourg and Toronto, every Friday evening; and for Prescott, touching at Kingston and Brockville, every Tuesday evening. The COBOURG is said to be a fine boat, and is propelled by two low pressue engines, of 50 horse power each.
      It will be perceived, by reference to the advertisement, that the Steam-boat St. George, will hereafter leave here for Kingston and Prescott, every Thursday evening, and toronto and Niagara every Saturday afternoon.
      Oswego Palladium
      May 14, 1834

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William R. McNeil
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Cobourg (Steamboat), 1 Apr 1834