Detroit (Ship), 1 Sep 1835
- Full Text
"The Ships of War are Coming In." -- To the immense number of vessels navigation Lake Erie, is about to be added a class rendered famous, in former days and the sight of which, engaged in commerce, will be calculated to awaken the patriotic feelings of every American beholder. The vessels composing a part of the glorious fleet of the victor Perry, with a number of the prizes taken from the enemy in the ever memorable battle of the 10th of Sept., 1813, which have since the close of the late war, sunk in this harbor, have lately become the property of Messrs. Miles and Leach of this place, are to be fitted up for Lake trade. The QUEEN CHARLOTTE, (a prize) was raised on Monday last. Her timbers were found to be perfectly sound. She is to be repaired and rigged for a brig this season. The LAWRENCE, (American) and the DETROIT (prize) are to be raised immediately -- the former intended to be converted to a steam boat. ---- Erie Observer
Cleveland Weekly Advertiser
Thursday, January 20, 1835; 3; 1.
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PERRY'S FLEET. - Two more of the vessels engaged in the ever memorable action of the 10th. Sept. 1813----the LAWRENCE and the DETROIT---have been raised from their watery bed in this harbor, for the purpose of being brought again into action, not for the destruction of human life as formerly but to be used in the more peaceful and profitable pursuits of commerce. The timbers, like those of the QUEEN CHARLOTTE are found to be perfectly sound, and there is no doubt they will richly reward their present proprietors for their enterprise in bringing them once more to the surface of that water on which they were once so distinguished, and placing them again in a state for public usefulness.
The LAWRENCE, which was the flag ship of Commodore Perry, was raised during the firing of a national salute, on the 10th. inst. the anniversary of the action in which her commander was so successfully victorious, just twenty-two years before. - Erie Observer
Buffalo Daily Star
Thursday, September 17, 1835
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The ship DETROIT, flagship of the British squadron on Lake Erie in 1813, has arrived at Detroit. She was raised by the exertions of Capt. Miles from the basin at Erie, where she has lain sunk since 1814. Her timbers, decks, &c., are perfectly sound. About twenty 32 pound balls were taken from her timbers, during the repairs, and a great number of smaller, from twelves to grape shot. Some are yet remaining in her wales. She is 260 tons burthen, has a gentleman's cabin with 16 berths, ladies' cabin, 8 berths, steerage, 18 berths, and 3 state rooms, sufficient each to accommodate a family.
Cleveland Weekly Advertiser
Thursday, August 25, 1836
The British Barge DETROIT - This vessel which was sunk during the last war at Erie, and raised by Capt. Miles, is now lying at the wharf in this city. Very little alteration has been made, her hull, cabins, &c., remain as they were. There is still to be seen on board of this vessel, an eighteen-pound ball, lodged in her starboard side, just under the deck and opposite the foremast, which attracts a good deal of attention. - Cleveland Adv.
Detroit Democratic Free Press
June 28, 1837
The barque DETROIT, once a British vessel of war, is now in port. She belonged to the fleet captured by the brave Perry, and was sunk for preservation many years ago, at Presque Isle. She was raised last season and has been fitted up for the trade of the uper (sic) lakes. - Buf. Star.
Detroit Democratic Free Press
July 13, 1837- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Notes
- 1812 warship raised
- Date of Original
- 1835
- Subject(s)
- Local identifier
- McN.E.1652
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- William R. McNeil
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
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- Maritime History of the Great