Erie (Propeller), 3 Apr 1849
- Full Text
PROPELLER LAUNCHED.---The propeller ERIE, built at this palce by Ruggles & Shupe, for Capt. A.Root and associates, was launched in most admirable style yesterday afternoon, in view of a large collection of citizens, who witnessed with pride and pleasure the transition of the pioneer of the Milan Steam fleet to her appointed element. She is a noble looking craft of 220 tons, and that she is well made, we need not say, having already named her experienced builders.
She goes to Cleveland to receive her engine, when she will soon be in commission, and a new era in the commerce of Milan thus opened. Success to the ERIE, her builders and enterprising owners, and may she soon be joined by other equally good Propellers in this trade. ------ Milan Tribune, 4th.
Buffalo Daily Republic
April 10, 1849
NOTE:---Name changed to HENRY CLAY before her first trip.
Propeller Launched. - The propeller "ERIE," built at this place by Ruggles & Shupe for Capt. A. Root and associates, was launched in most admirable style yesterday afternoon, in view of a large number of citizens, who witnessed with pride and pleasure the transition of the pioneer of the Milan steam fleet to her appointed element. She is a noble looking craft of 290 tons, and that she is well made we ned not say, having already named her experienced builders.
She goes to Cleveland to receive her engine, when she will soon be in commission; and a new era in the commerce of Milan thus opened. Success to the ERIE, her builders and enterprising owners. --- Milan Trib. 4th.
Cleveland Daily True Democrat
Saturday, April 14, 1849
PROPELLERS.---The propeller built at this place last winter, the name of which has been changed to HENRY CLAY, arrived on Saturday last from Cleveland, where she has been to receive her machinery. She is certainly a fine looking craft, and very creditable to her owners and builders. Capt Root tells me that she is just what he bargained for, and by the way, he never bargained for a poor craft and if he had, he would'nt have got it of Ruggles and Shupe -- its out of their line. She is advertised to run through the season between this place and Buffalo, and will furnish a very pleasant means of travel. ------- Milan Tribune
Buffalo Commercial Advertiser
Saturday, May 26, 1849 p.2
Steam screw HENRY CLAY. Of 221 tons. Built Milan, Ohio 1849. First home port, Buffalo, N.Y. DISPOSITION:- Lost 1851 by foundering October 10, 1851 off Long Point, Lake Erie. 28 lives lost.
Merchant Steam Vessels of the U. S. A.
The Lytle-Holdcamper List, 1790 to 1868
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Notes
- launch
- Date of Original
- 1849
- Subject(s)
- Local identifier
- McN.E.1832
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- William R. McNeil
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
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- Maritime History of the Great