Lady of the Lake (Steamboat), 1 Apr 1842
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The LADY OF THE LAKE, a new steamboat was launched at Oswego on Tuesday. She is 196 feet in length, 23 feet beam, 9 feet hold, and is to take the place of the UNITED STATES in the daily line under the command of Capt. J.J. Taylor.
Buffalo Commercial Advertiser
April 29, 1842
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LAUNCH. - The elegant first class Steamboat, "Lady of the Lake," was launched from the ship yard in East Oswego, yesterday afternoon. She is 196 feet in length and 24 feet wide, of a beautiful model and constructed of the very best materials. She was built by Mr. G.S. Weeks, and as a specimen of elegant and substantial boat building, is probably unsurpassed by any craft on the lakes. She is owned by the proprietors of the line of canal packets running between this place and Utica.
The "Lady of the Lake" is to be propelled by a low pressure engine of 100 horse power, and on her completion will be commanded by Capt. J.J. Taylor, a gentleman well known on the lake for his experience and skill as an engineer, as well as for his gentlemanly deportment, is eminently qualified to fill the station, and will ensure a high degree of confidence to the travelling community.
The "Lady of the Lake" will run on the route between this and Lewiston, and will be a great accession to the travelling facilities of Lake Ontario.
Oswego Palladium
Wednesday, April 27, 1842
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Launch. - Yesterday afternoon took place the launch of the beautiful Steamer Lady of the lake, in most elegant style, in the presence of a large concourse of our citizens, without any accident or other impediment in the gratifying performance. This boat is to help form the daily line between this port and Lewiston, and is owned by citizens of utica. She is one of the largest class of steam-boats, being 196 feet long and 24 feet beam - is a splendid specimen of boat building, her style and finish being unsurpassed by any thing on these waters. the other day we spent a half hour most pleasantly in her examination, and although such matters ae rather out of our line, we give it as our opinion that her model is every way calculated for speed; and while it is symmetry itself, due regard has been paid to her strength and sea-worthiness. She was built by Mr. George S. Weeks, and will add another laurel to the many he has already won in the line of his business. he has proved himself 'no journeyman,' and we hope it may never again be said of oswego that she has employed as superintendents, gentlemen from abroad, at exorbitant prices, when she has such excellent mechanics at home. Her painting is elegant and does great credit to Mr. Mackenzie, who has the charge of this department. She is propelled by a low pressure engine of 100 horse power; and will be commanded by Capt. J.J. Taylor, a gentleman who has long been most favorably known as a seaman and engineer on our lake, and whose urbanity and gentlemanly deportment have endeared him to a large circle of friends and acquaintance. Such a boat, owned by gentlemen who appear to study the interest of our village as well as their own, with such a commander, cannot but be viewed favorably by our citizens, and we doubt not will soon become a favorite with the public generally.
Oswego County Whig
Wednesday, April 27, 1842
The New Steam Boat "LADY OF THE LAKE." - This beautiful craft left our wharf last Wednesday morning, with a happy party of ladies and gentlemen, (the Utica band playing at the time "The Bonnie Boat.") for a pleasure excursion to Kingston, Ogdensburgh, & c. and returned on Thursday afternoon, making the trip in fewer hours, running time, than has ever before been performed. When she landed, the band struck up "Life on the Ocean Wave." We tender our grateful acknowledgments for the police invitation extended to us to accompany them, and regret extremely that the business in our office prevented our responding to the invitation. As we were not present, we cannot speak of the jaunt; and we feel disappointed that even the resolutions passed by the company on board, have not been handed in for publication. The following we copy from the Sackets Harbor Journal, dated Thursday, June 31. In the main it is correct, and we are satisfied is no exaggerated praise of the boat; but, while we certainly would detract nothing from the praise due to the enterprise of the Utica people, it is hardly justice to the Oswegonians, to say that she is owned in Utica exclusively. The fact is, our citizens have been heavy investments in her, and are entitled to some share of credit in the matter. NEW STEAMER LADY OF THE LAKE. This beautiful vessel came into our harbor this morning in fine style. She is from below, having made a trip from Oswego to Kingston, Ogdensburgh, and intermediate ports, with Messrs. Monson, Faxton, and others, owners onboard, also the Utica Brass Band, and a company of Ladies and entlemen, numbering in all about Three Hundred, who marched from the Boat to Madison Barracks, to take a view of the Garrison, Hospital, &c. The "Lady" is owned in Utica - was built in Oswego since the first of December last, and is, in our opinion, altogether the best steam vessel which floats on our Lake. She reflects the highest credit on her industrious and intelligent architect, George S. Weeks, Esq. Her exquisite model - her fine proportions - the plain elegance of her finish - and the good taste displayed throughout, would alone be amply sufficient to give any man an enviable reputation as a shipbuilder. The "Lady" is commanded by Capt. J.J. . Taylor, of whose capacity for his station and gentlemanly deportment, we have heard much. The owners are delighted with the Steamer, and it is no wonder - she made the passage fromOswego to Ogdensburgh in eleven hours, including three hours stoppage. Running time eight hours, distance in a rough sea, 140 miles. Her length of deck is 197 feet, 24 feet beam, depth of hold 10 feet; measuring 450 tons burden. her engine is from the Allaire Works, New York, 100 horse power. We congratulate the travelling public on the increased facilities for theiraccommodation afforded by the addition of the "Lady" to the number of ourLake Boats.
Oswego County Whig
Saturday, July 2, 1842- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Notes
- launch, Oswego
- Date of Original
- 1842
- Subject(s)
- Local identifier
- McN.E.2567
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- William R. McNeil
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
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- Maritime History of the Great