Minos (Steamboat), 14 Nov 1840
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The armed steamship built by the British government, is to be launched at Chippewa, this day.
Buffalo Commercial Advertiser
July 23, 1840
Owing to the inclemency of the weather, the launch at Chippewa did not take place until yesterday. The new craft is called "THE QUEEN."
Buffalo Commercial Advertiser
July 25, 1840
A steamer called the MINOS is being built at Chippewa, U.C. She is built in every respect as a man of war, 148 ft. on deck, and 400 tons, with 2, 45 horse power, low pressure engines, and is to be commanded by Capt. Duffl, R.N.
Rochester Evening Advocate
November 14, 1840
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Chippawa, U.C., Nov. 1, 1840
Dear Sir - Through the politeness of the officers in command, I was yesterday permitted to visit Her Majesty's Steamer, building at this place. She is called the MINOS in honor of the first King of Crete, who according to heathen mythology, was after death promoted to the rank of chief fireman in the regions de 1'Enier'.
The MINOS is to be commanded by Capt. Duffill, R. N., a man who ranks high among the officers and defenders of the "wooden walls" of the British Empire,
"Whose path is o'er the mountain wave
Whose home is on the deep,"
and it is gratifying to me as, an American, that England places such men in command upon our frontier; men by whom it would be no dishonor to get captured, but whom to conquer would be glory! The Minos is 148 feet on deck, and registers 400 tons, and is buit in every respect a "man of war". She is of great strength, her timbes being placed close together, are caulked and pitched before planking so that in the event of starting a butt, she would not leak; a very desirable object in armed vessels. On the inside, parallel bars of iron are let into her timbers the entire length of the boat and placed 6 or 8 inched apart. This does not add materially to her strength, but renders her almost shot proof. Her planks are 5 inches and her sealing three inches thick, making her entire thickness about twenty-two inches of solid timbers,
She is fitted with two 45 bores power low pressure beam engines, from the celebrated manufactory or the Messrs. Ward, Montreal, which are placed entirely below deck, on the plan of the Atlantic steamers, and are beyond the reach of external injury; but they are in my opinion of too small a calibre for so heavy a boat, and if I am not mistaken almost any of our 'water waggons" will be able to "hold a candle" for her to run by.
The angines are supported by iron frames resting upon large fore and aft timbers, placed on either side of the kelson, which are securely bolted end fastened to the deck frame of the boat, and will, instead of weakening the boat, aid greatly to her strength. The cylinders are 36 inches in diameter, with four feet and a half stroke, placed upright in the usual manner, but in place of one working beam to each engine playing above the cylinders, as is customary, they have two, reversed - one each aide of the cylinder, & moving close to the floor of the boat. The piston rods act upon a cross head, as in the common square engine, but the connecting rods instead of leading directly to the cranks, are fastened to one end of the working beams below, and through them transmit the power by means of other connecting rods, to another cross head, which is attached to the cranks; thus giving regular and continued motion to the entire machine· The grates and boilers are arranged expressly for burning Ohio Coal, and her "bunkers" will contain from 10 to 1200 bushels.
The part of the vessel forward of the engines is fitted as a mess room for the "People" and it is a very comfortable place, having short tables for each mess projecting from the sides of the boat, and shelves and lockers in abundance for the accommodation of their traps. The main hold in underneath the "people's" mess, and will contain abundant room for stores for a long cruise.
Abaft the engines is the mess room of the "middies" and junior officers, abjoining which, are the state room of the first Lieutenant and state room for the Purser, and next to those the companion way, and sleeping room for the captain's steward. The balance of the after part of the boat is taken up by the Captain's cabin, state rooms, &c., and would - I should suppose, in my greennsss - afford ample accommodation for any one man in Her Majesty's Navy, being about 25 feet long and the whole width of the boat. The officers' apartments are handsomely finished with black walnut, and are comfortably arranged; in fact the entire ship might serve as a model of economy of room, with all the conveniences and comforts of a large "line of battle ship" The magazine occupies all the after part of the hold, under the cabins of the officers, and is in as secure a place as there is about the ship, being below the reach of shot, and out of the way of fire.
The MINOS is schooner rigged, and shows a clean deck, fore and aft; and were it not for her funnel, and wheel houses, would look like a large schooner, as she has no guards or upper works of any kind. She is expected to mount eight 18 pound carronades and two mortars for shells in case of a bombardment.
After drinking the health of Her Majesty and the next President of the U. S. in bumpers of most "regal port," I took leave of the MINOS and her gentlemanly officers with feelings of pride as an "American" that old England places a higher value upon yankee valor and yankee prowess than many I wot of in office under the Federal Constitution, else she would scarcely build such vessels upon our fresh water ponds, and send her choicest spirits to man them, at a time when their valuable services are so much needed in protecting her rights and defending her honor in far distant quarters of the globe.
Yours truly
Obadiah Leatherberry, of Razorville, U. S.
Cleveland Daily Herald & Gazette
Tuesday, November 3, 1840
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ARMED STEAM CRAFT FOR THE LAKES. -- A correspondent of the Cleveland Herald, writing from Chippewa, U. C. , says: I have been permitted to see Her Majesty’s Steamer, building at this place. She is called the Minos, in honor of the first King of Crete, who according to heathen mythology, was after death, promoted to the rank of chief fireman in the regions of de l’Enfer!
She is 148 feet on deck, and registers 400 tons, and is built in every respect, a “man of war.” She is of great strength, her timbers being placed close together, are caulked and pitched before planking, so that in the event of starting a butt, she would not leak, a very desirable object in armed vessels. On the inside, parallel bars of iron are let into the timbers, the entire length of the boat and placed six or eight inches apart. This does not add materially to her strength, but renders her almost shot proof. Her planks are 5 inches and her sealing 3 inches thick, making her entire thickness about 22 inches of solid timbers.
She is fitted with two 45 horse power low pressure beam engines, from the manufactory of the Messrs. Ward, Montreal, which are placed entirely below deck, on the plan of the Atlantic steamers, and are beyond the reach of external injury; but they are in my opinion of too small a calibre for so heavy a boat.
The engines are supported by iron frames resting upon fore and aft timbers, placed on either side of the keelson, which are securely bolted and fastened to the deck frame of the boat, and will, instead of weakening the boat, add greatly to her strength. The cylinders are 26 inches in diameter, with four feet and a half stroke, placed upright in the usual manner, but in the place of having one working beam to each engine playing above the cylinders, as is customary, they have two reversed-- one for each side of the cylinder, and moving close to the floor of the boat. The piston rods act upon a cross head, as in the common square engine, but the connecting rods, instead of leading directly to the cranks, are fastened to one end of the working beams below, and through them transmit the power by means of other connecting rods, to another cross head, which is attached to the cranks; thus giving regular and continued motion to the entire machine. The grates and boilers are arranged expressly for burning Bituminous Coal, and her “bunkers” will contain from 10 to 1200 bushels.
The magazine occupies all the after part of the hold, under the cabins of the officers, and is in as secure a place as there is about the ship, being below the reach of shot, and out of the way of fire.
The MINOS is schooner rigged and shows a clean deck fore and aft; and were it not for the funnel, and wheel houses, would look like a large schooner, as she has not guards nor upper work, of any kind.-- She is expected to mount eight 18 pound caronades and two mortars for shells in case of a bombardment.
The part of the vessel forward of the engines is fitted as a mess room for the “people” and is a very comfortable place, having short tables for each mess projecting from the sides of the boat, and shelves and lockers in abundance for accomodation of their traps. The main hold is underneath the “people’s” mess, and will contain abundant stores for a long cruise.
Abaft the engines is the mess room of the “middies” and junior officers, adjoining which are the stateroom of the first Lieutenant and the stateroom for the Purser, and next to them the companion way, and sleeping room for the Captain’s steward. The balance of the after part of the boat is taken up by the Captain’s cabin, staterooms, &c., and would -- I should suppose--afford ample accomodation for any one man in Her Majesty’s Navy, being about 25 feet long and the whole width of the boat. The officer’s apartments are handsomely finiished with black walnut and are comfortably arranged; in fact the entire ship might serve as a model for economy of room, with all the conveniences and comforts of a large ‘line of battle ship.’
The MINOS is to be commanded by Capt. Duffil, R. N.
Detroit Daily Advertizer
November 11, 1840 2-5
Armed Steamcraft for the Lakes - A correspondent of the Cleveland Herald, writing from Chippewa, U.C. says:-
I have been permitted to visit Her Majesty's steamer building at this place. She is called the Minos, in honour of the first King of Crete, who, according to the heathen mythology, was after death promoted to the rank of chief fireman in the regions de l'Enfer!
She is 148 feet on deck, and registers 400 tons, and is built in every respect a "man of war." She is of great strength, her timbers being placed close together, and caulked and pitched before planking, so that in the event of starting a butt, she would not leak; a very desirable object in armed vessels. On the inside, parallel bars of iron are let into the timbers the entire length of the boat, and placed six or eight inches apart. This does not add materially to her strength, but renders her almost shot proof. Her planks are five inches and her sealing three inches thick, making her entire thickness about twenty-two inches of solid timbers.
She is fitted with two forty-five horse power low pressure beam engines from the manufactory of the Messrs. Ward, Montreal, which are placed entirely below deck, on the plan of the Atlantic steamers, and are beyond the reach of external injury; but they are in my opinion of too small calibre for so heavy a boat.
The engines are supported by iron frames resting upon large fore and aft timbers, placed on either side of the Keelson, which are securely bolted and fastened to the deck frame of the boat, and will, instead of weakening the boat, add greatly to her strength. The cylinders are 26" in diameter, with four feet and a half stroke, placed upright in the usual manner, but in place of one working beam to each engine playing above the cylinders, as is customary, they have two, reversed - one each side of the cylinder, and moving close to the door of the boat. The piston rods act upon a cross head, as in the common square engine, but the connecting rods instead of leading directly to the cranks, are fastened to one end of the working beams below, and through them transmit the power by means of other connecting rods, to another cross head, which is attached to the cranks; thus giving regular and continued motion to the entire machine. The grates and boilers are arranged expressly for burning bituminous coal, and her "bunkers" will contain from 10 to 1200 bushels.
The magazine occupies all the after part of the hold, under the cabins of the officers, and is in as secure a place as there is about the ship, being below the reach of a shot, and out of the way of fire.
The Minos is schooner rigged, and shows a clean deck, fore and aft; and were it not for her funnel, and wheel houses, would look like a schooner, as she has no guards or upper works of any kind. She is expected to mount eight 18 pound carronades and two mortars for shells in case of a bombardment.
The part of the vessel forward of the engines is fitted as a mess room for the "People", and is a very comfortable place, having short tables for each mess projecting from the sides of the boat, and shelves and lockers in abundance for accommodation for their traps. The main hold is underneath the "People's" mess, and will contain abundant room for stores for a long cruise.
Abaft the engines is the mess room of the "middies" and junior officers, adjoining which are the state room of the first lieutenant and state room for the purser, and next to these the companion way, and sleeping room for the captain's steward. The balance of the after part of the boat is taken up by the captain's cabin, state rooms, etc. and would - I should suppose - afford ample accommodation for any one man in Her Majesty's navy, being about 25 feet long and the whole width of the boat. The officers' apartments are handsomely finished with black walnut, and are comfortably arranged; in fact the entire ship might serve as a model for economy of room, with all the convenience and comforts of a large 'line of battle ship.'
The MINOS is to be commanded by Capt. Duffill, R.N.
Kingston Chronicle & Gazette,
November 21, 1840
(Contributed by Rick Neilson)- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Notes
- new war steamer
- Date of Original
- 1840
- Subject(s)
- Local identifier
- McN.E.2871
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- William R. McNeil
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
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- Maritime History of the Great LakesEmail:walter@maritimehistoryofthegreatlakes.ca