Maritime History of the Great Lakes

St. Lawrence (Ship), 18 Jan 1832

Full Text

His Majesty's Dock Yard, Kingston, U.C.
      15th. November, 1831
      N O T I C E is hereby given, that on the 18th. day of January, 1832, at 10 o'clock, A.M. the hulls of the following Ships as they now lay on the shore off the King's Dock Yard at Kingston, Upper Canada, will be disposed of by public auction, viz:
      St. LAWRENCE of 102 Guns
      KINGSTON of 56 Guns
      BURLINGTON of 42 Guns
      MONTREAL of 24 Guns
      Also the frames of the WOLF and CANADA each pierced for 110 guns, as they stand on the stocks in the Dock Yard.
      Immediately after the above sale, a quantity of standing and running rigging, late belonging to the St. LAWRENCE, KINGSTON and BURLINGTON and MONTREAL, will in like manner be disposed of. As this rigging has been but little used, and is in good condition, it may be advantageously relaid or otherwise converted.
      The ships will be disposed of seperately and the rigging will be devided into lots to suit purchasers. A reasonable time will be allowed for the removable of the articles from the King's premises, which must be done at the purchaser's expense.
      A deposit of twenty five per cent, will be required at the time of sale, and the remainder of the purchase money previous to the removal of the articles.
      Further particulars may be learned at the Naval Store Keeper's Office, at Kingston Dock Yard, and of Mr. William Lunn, Clerk in charge of naval stores at Montreal.
      On the opening of Navigation in 1832, about Twelve Hundred Spars for Masts and Yards, of from four to thirty-four inches in diameter, will be disposed of by Public Auction. Timely notice will be given of the days of sale. The spars may be previously examined; for which purpose application must be made at the Naval Store Keeper's Office.
      J.R. GLOVER
      Naval Storekeeper
      Kingston Patriot
      Tuesday, December 27, 1831

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At the late sale at the Dock Yard, Kingston, U.C., the hull of the St. LAWRENCE, 120 gun ship, was sold for 25 Pound Currency. This vessel is said to have cost half a million of money. She never performed any service. Thus we see how John Bull's money goes. - Canadian Courant
      Kingston Patriot
      Tuesday, February 21, 1832

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      The sale of ships, stores, &c., as advertised, took place at H. M. Dockyard on Wednesday last. Mr. Drunnond was the purchaser of the St. LAWRENCE at 25 pounds, a vessel which cost upward of a million of money, the St. LAWRENCE was the only vessel sold, no purchasers appearing for the others.
      The standing and running rigging were purchased by several individuals of this town. The whole produce of the sale, we understand did not exceed 1,400 pounds -- The greater part of the materials was in excellent condition, and may be converted into the best oakum that was ever imported into this Province.
      Kingston Chronicle
      January 21, 1832

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      RESURRECTION OF THE St. LAWRENCE, 110 gun ship
      Our readers will recollect that this`ci devant' pride of the Canadian Lakes, was last winter purchased by Mr. Drummond, for £25, and dismantled to the edge of the water, leaving her prodigious hulk the only remnant of her former majesty so firmly embedded in the bottom of the waters, as to render every prospect of it's removal hopeless and impracticable. From the
necessity however of Mr. D's. fulfilment of that part of his contract which rendered such a removal imperative, with his usual energy he attempted this Herculean labor on Saturday last, and by employing his new steamer the RIDEAU and applying her machinery so as to keep the pumps going perpetually day and night, was progressing with an ingenuity and perseverance scarcely to be equalled. He was however checked in his prospect by the fracture of the walking beam, and until the Monday following had to relax from his labor. The experiment was then renewed with 20 feet of water in the hold and the deck entirely covered with water and on Tuesday morning at 4. o'clock, after 24 hours incessant labor, the
pumps were dry, and this immense uncouth Ark was towed by the steamer round the point, and moored within 200 feet of Mr. Drummonds Brewary, where she unfortunately grounded. Mr, D's object was to place her as a wharf to his brewary, now rendered doubly hopeless by this unexpected event, but singular to say, in the heavy gale of Thursday night, she rose from herembedded position and drifted to the precise spot she was intended to occupy. Mr. D. experienced every attention and aid from Commodore Barrie and the officers of the Yard in the vast operation, and by his judgment and perseverance, has defeated the expecations of many who considered the effort beyond all human skill -- Kingston Chronicle, (undated)
      Cobourg Star
      January I6th. 1853

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auction, &c.
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William R. McNeil
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St. Lawrence (Ship), 18 Jan 1832