Posted by Carol Mills-Nichol, 23 November 2023 at 14:48
I can add to two more passengers to the list of those lost when the Atlantic was rammed by the Ogdensburg: my third-great-grandmother, Jeannette Godet dit Marentette dit Francheville, widow in first marriage to William Macomb II, and later the wife of Thomas Lewis, and Jeanette's sister-in-law Jane Macomb, the wife of Louis Mark.
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I can add to two more passengers to the list of those lost when the Atlantic was rammed by the Ogdensburg: my third-great-grandmother, Jeannette Godet dit Marentette dit Francheville, widow in first marriage to William Macomb II, and later the wife of Thomas Lewis, and Jeanette's sister-in-law Jane Macomb, the wife of Louis Mark.
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