great article, my gr-gr-gr mother was on the montreal steamer, and died.
Posted by mike Martin, 27 October 2012 at 14:41
great article. My G Grandfather survived this disaster at the age of 4yrs. The rest of his family - 2 parents and 5 siblings died that day.
He returned to Scotland and became a teacher - his grandson, my uncle emigrated to Canada where many of my cousins now live.
Great Article
Posted by Darin M. Young, 14 July 2016 at 22:39
Thank you for publishing this article. Three generations of my ancestors perished on the Montreal. It was said that the only survivor of our family was an indentured servant, who wrote a poem describing the carnage. The original verse was passed down to my grandmother by her uncle.
Posted by Hunter Glassford, 25 February 2019 at 17:58
Thank you so much for making the article public. Needed it for an immigration project specific to our own family. My Gr-gr-gr Grandfather was on this boat and was one of the few survivors
Posted by Edward Sommerville, 23 May 2020 at 15:00
My second great grandfather (David Gilchrist) together with his wife Margaret and four of his daughters(Margaret, Elizabeth, Isabella and Ann) were lost in this disaster. His son James survived, returned to his native Scotland and lived the ripe old age of 81 (1855-1936). He was a 2nd Great Uncle
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great article, my gr-gr-gr mother was on the montreal steamer, and died.
great article. My G Grandfather survived this disaster at the age of 4yrs. The rest of his family - 2 parents and 5 siblings died that day. He returned to Scotland and became a teacher - his grandson, my uncle emigrated to Canada where many of my cousins now live. Great Article
Thank you for publishing this article. Three generations of my ancestors perished on the Montreal. It was said that the only survivor of our family was an indentured servant, who wrote a poem describing the carnage. The original verse was passed down to my grandmother by her uncle.
Thank you so much for making the article public. Needed it for an immigration project specific to our own family. My Gr-gr-gr Grandfather was on this boat and was one of the few survivors
My second great grandfather (David Gilchrist) together with his wife Margaret and four of his daughters(Margaret, Elizabeth, Isabella and Ann) were lost in this disaster. His son James survived, returned to his native Scotland and lived the ripe old age of 81 (1855-1936). He was a 2nd Great Uncle
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