Chief (Scow), aground, 2 Nov 1862
- Full Text
Scow CHIEF. - On Sunday night last, as the Propeller HOWARD was on her way from Dunnville to Buffalo, having in tow six scows, when near Point Abino (Lake Erie) a furious gale sprung up, breaking all the scows loose from the propeller, and totally wrecking them, whereby seventeen persons lost their lives. The Scows lost were: The CANADIAN, owned by R. Farmer Esq., of York, and loaded with lumber for R. McKinnon, Esq., of Caledonia. Mr. Farmer's brother was on board and was the only one saved. He was drifted ashore on the lumber, which now lies beached, and most of which will be saved by the owner. Matthew Clifford, of York, John Kirkwood, of Seneca, and a boy from Brantford, were all drowned off this boat. The body of Clifford passed through this village for York on Monday morning. The SARAH ANN, owned by L. McCollum, Esq., of Stromness, loaded with grain, all hands lost. The CHIEF, owned by L. McCollum, loaded with lumber and cordwood; all hands saved. The EMPIRE, owned by T.H. Leonard, Esq., Brantford, loaded with grain; Captain Hood drowned, as well as all hands but one man. The MARSHAL NEY, owned in Dunnville and loaded with cordwood; all hands lost. The OLIVE BRANCH, owned by Mr.Oldfield of Dunnville, loaded with lumber; all hands saved. There were three brothers named Lattimore, from Marshville, on Mr. McCollums scows, two of whom drowned. This is one of the most deplorable disasters which has ever happened in this section, and no human power could have averted it. The gale sprung up so quickly and was so fierce that nothing could withstand it. After all the scows had broken away from the Tug, the Captain again hitched on the CANADIAN, the best scow of the lot, and towed her until he tore the entire bow out of her, when, of course, she drifted off. In fact, so furious was the gale, that the Captain of the Tug had to lash himself to the wheel, as his wheelhouse was washed overboard and had the ---?--- held together half an hour longer he would have weathered Point Abino and been safe. When the deck load of the CANADIAN floated off, young Farmer stuck to it and advised his companions to do the same, but they preferred to stand by the boat, and consequently lost their lives. The boat will probably be a total loss, but most of the lumber will be saved. We trust we shall never be called upon to record so melancholy an occurrence in this section again. -- Grand River Sachem
The Globe, Toronto
Saturday, November 8,1862
BUFFALO, Nov. 5. - The schooner RUGBY is ashore near State Line. The crew all lost.
The schooner E.C. WILLIAMS lost; a portion of her crew saved.
The schooner C. J. MARSHALL is ashore between Dunkirk and Barcelona. Crew lost.
The POST BOY is ashore above Dunkirk. Crew saved.
*The loss of the five Canadian scows and crews is confirmed.
The barque CONSTITUTION, that went ashore near Fairport, has been hauled off, and is being toWed to this port.
Goderich Signal, Semi Weekly
November 7, 1862
NOTE : - an Archaeological survey was done in 1883 on a vessel thought to be the CANADIAN, see "The Point Abino Bay Wreck," a Preliminary Survey, by Arthur Amos, for the Ministry of Citizenship and Culture, Southwestern Regional Archaeologist.
. . . . .
Six Scows, laden with wheat and lumber etc.,in tow of the Tug R.L. HOWARD,
on Lake Erie, were driven ashore in a gale, near Point Abino, and wrecked. The
tug narrowly escaped. 17 lives lost. Property loss $8,000 Cargo loss $8,000.
Buffalo Commercial Advertiser
January 26, 1863 (Casualty List, 1862)
. . . . .
We learn from Captain Mable of the scow IRON DUKE, the names of the scows
that went ashore on the Canadian side of the river during the severe gale of Sunday
evening, viz: Scows EMPIRE, FARMER and SCOTTISH CHIEF, laden with lumber
MARSHAL NEY, laden with wood, and barge SARAH ANN, laden with grain and flour.
These scows, with the scow OLIVE BRANCH, left Dunnville for Buffalo Saturday in
tow of the tug HOWARD, and were struck by the gale of wind Sunday evening. All
were wrecked, except the OLIVE BRANCH, with the loss of 17 of the crews.
Buffalo Daily Courier
Friday, November 7, 1862
. . . . .
NOTE. - The scow FARMER was not in the tow, having gone aground November 2,
at Oswego. She was got off. However the Courier list should have included the scow
CANADIAN, which was totally lost at Point Abino.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Notes
- Reason: aground
Lives: nil
Freight: lumber & cordwood
Remarks: Total loss
- Date of Original
- 1862
- Subject(s)
- Local identifier
- McN.W.5291
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Ontario, Canada
Latitude: 42.836111 Longitude: -79.095277
- Donor
- William R. McNeil
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
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- Maritime History of the Great