While researching my ancestry, encountered mention of the loss of the Torp (or Thorp) family when the Erie burned. Thank you for sharing a picture of that heartbreaking day. I found the follow-up stories most interesting, also.
Posted by Paul-Anthon Nielson, 30 October 2013 at 15:15
While conducting historical Research concerning the family of Christian Türler Sr. (b. 1800) of the village of Ringoldingen im Simmental (Canton Bern, Switzerland), I found a record stating that he had barely survived the disastrous fire in which so many people lost their lives when the "Erie" burned in 1841. There is no doubt but what he is identical with "C. Durler" named among the few survivors. He and his wife, Rosina Katharina nee Minnig (b. 1801), and their four daughters and a son emigrated from Switzerland in May 1830. At the same time, Christian's elder brother Johannes (John) Türler/Durler (b. 1790) also emigrated with his wife, Maria nee Anken (b. 1793), and their two daughters and six sons (twin boys among them). I would be very keen to make contact with anyone descended from either of these Türler/Durler siblings.
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While researching my ancestry, encountered mention of the loss of the Torp (or Thorp) family when the Erie burned. Thank you for sharing a picture of that heartbreaking day. I found the follow-up stories most interesting, also.
While conducting historical Research concerning the family of Christian Türler Sr. (b. 1800) of the village of Ringoldingen im Simmental (Canton Bern, Switzerland), I found a record stating that he had barely survived the disastrous fire in which so many people lost their lives when the "Erie" burned in 1841. There is no doubt but what he is identical with "C. Durler" named among the few survivors. He and his wife, Rosina Katharina nee Minnig (b. 1801), and their four daughters and a son emigrated from Switzerland in May 1830. At the same time, Christian's elder brother Johannes (John) Türler/Durler (b. 1790) also emigrated with his wife, Maria nee Anken (b. 1793), and their two daughters and six sons (twin boys among them). I would be very keen to make contact with anyone descended from either of these Türler/Durler siblings.
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