C. G. King (Schooner), leak, 5 Oct 1885
- Full Text
A special despatch from Cleveland last night said: "The schr. C.G. KING with 826 tons iron ore from Escanaba tried to make the harbor after dark Sunday night without the assistance of a tug. The wind was blowing a gale and this with the tremendous sea made it impossible for the vessel to get inside the breakwater. About 10:00 Capt. W. Bace (?) discovered that she had sprung a leak and that the water was gaining in her hold very rapidly. Men were put at the pumps and it was with difficulty that the vessel was kept afloat until early this morning, when she was picked up by a tug and towed to the Pittsburg dock. When discovered by the tug the water had nearly reached her hatches, and another hour would undoubtably have sent her to the bottom. At the dock two tugs with syphons werre put to work and with the hand pump the water was lowered. She lost some oakum while riding in the sea during the night.
Buffalo Daily Courier
October 6, 1885 1-10
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Notes
- Reason: leak
Lives: nil
Freight: iron ore
Remarks: Repaired
- Date of Original
- 1885
- Subject(s)
- Local identifier
- McN.W.15898
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Ohio, United States
Latitude: 41.4995 Longitude: -81.69541
- Donor
- William R. McNeil
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
- Contact
- Maritime History of the Great LakesEmail:walter@maritimehistoryofthegreatlakes.ca