George H. Waud (Schooner), U10152, aground, 1 Sep 1878
- Full Text
East Saginaw Mich., Sept. 13. -- The schooner G.H. WAUD, light, for Chicago, went ashore at Sand Beach this afternoon in the gale, and is breaking up. The crew got ashore. She is owned in Chicago and valued at $8,200
Chicago Inter Ocean
Saturday, September 14, 1878
THE STRANDED SCHOONER - Captain Holliday, master and part owner of the Schooner GEORGE H. WAUD, ashore near Sand Beach, is now in Chicago, and reports to a Times reporter that she is in bad condition, and he has no doubt but she will prove a total loss. She was lying in the harbor with both anchors down when the wind struck her, but they were not sufficient to hold her, and she went ashore in a very rough spot. Before doing so she drove over a reef with only about one and a half feet of water on it. The WAUD had a total policy in the Orient Company for $4,000, and she was valued at $6,000. The WAUD was unfortunate during the entire season, and the captain is not in the best of humor after the last mishap.
Detroit Post & Tribune
Saturday, September 21, 1878
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The GEORGE H. WAUD - Advices from Sand Beach stste that the bottom is out of the schooner GEORGE H. WAUD, which recently went ashore there. It is now stated that Capt. Grummond has taken a contract to get her off, but we have not the gentleman's word to back the statement. The report further states that if Capt. Grummond succeeds in releasing her and getting her into some port where she can be repaired, he receives $1,500. If not, nothing will be his reward,
Detroit Post & Tribune
Monday, September 23, 1878
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THE GEORGE H. WAUD. - Mr. J.C. Burton stated last evening that the attempt to release the schooner GEORGE H. WAUD, ashore at Sand Beach, has thus far proved fruitless, and so far as his interests are concerned, no further attempt will be made. She lies in such a position that she is almost un-approachable. She lies on rocks, which have to all appearances knocked a hole in her bottom.
Detroit Post & Tribune
Monday, October 7, 1878
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It is stated that nothing can be done with the wrecked schooner GEORGE H. WAUD, and that she will prove a total loss where she lies. The WAUD measured 358 tons, was built at Buffalo by H. Williams in 1866, rated B 1 dash, and was valued in the register at $8,200. She received a new deck in 1873.
Chicago Inter Ocean
Monday, October 14, 1878
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The work of raising the schooner WAUD, sunk near Sand Beach, is in progress. She lies in about four feet of water on a reef of rocks, a large boulder being a little forward amidships.
Chicago Inter Ocean
Wednesday, November 13, 1878
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Port Huron, Nov. 18. -- The tug MOCKING BIRD left here this afternoon for Sand beach to work at the schooner G. H. WAUD, which went ashore there some time ago
Chicago Inter Ocean
Monday, November 8, 1878
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Last fall the schooner GEORGE H. WAUD went ashore a short distance below Sand Beach, but in a place so sheltered by bars and boulders that heavy seas would have little or no effect upon her. At the close of navigation she was still where she first went on, and she is also there now, and apparently in as good condition as ever. The boat seems to rest easy, and her spars are standing as straight and as true as when first put in.
Detroit Post & Tribune
Saturday, May 24, 1879
The tug BARTLETT arrived down this morning with the schooner WAUD, which has been on the beach at Sand beach Harbor for two or three years.
Port Huron Daily Times
Thursday, May 27, 1880
Schooner GEORGE H. WAND [sic] U. S. No. 10152. Of 358.38 tons. Home port, Buffao;, N. Y.
Merchant Vessel List, U. S., 1871
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Notes
- Reason: aground
Remarks: Got off
- Date of Original
- 1878
- Subject(s)
- Local identifier
- McN.W.16197
- Language of Item
- English
- Geographic Coverage
Michigan, United States
Latitude: 43.84168 Longitude: -82.6416
- Donor
- William R. McNeil
- Copyright Statement
- Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
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- Maritime History of the Great