Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Mary (Propeller), sunk, 17 Nov 1918

Full Text

Nineteen vessels have gone ashore or been wrecked at the eastern end of Lake Ontario and in the St. Lawrence as far east as Cornwall, during the past season and the Donnelly Wrecking Company released them all but the tug LAURA GRACE. This figure does not include sections of the NORTHWEST and MINOLA, which foundered during the past month and were lost with thirteen lives. The list is
May 9th. - Barge GLADYS H., coal laden, ashore below Cardinal.

May 29th.- S.S. WESTERIAN, ashore opposite Thousand Island Park.

May 31st.- Steamer H.E. RUNNELLS, coal laden, ashore below the North Channel.

June 9th.- Barge MELROSE, laden with wheat, sunk in Coldwall Canal.

June 21.- Barge SELKIRK, ashore on Lachine Lake.

July 10. - Steamer ARABIAN, laden with war munitions and supplies, for the Allies, ashore in Rapid Du Plat.

Aug. 29.- Barge HILDA, grain laden, ashore foot of Lake Ontario.

Sept. 15.- Passenger steamer OSSIFRAGE, ashore Thousand Islands, below Cardinal.

Sept. 29.- Steamer OMAHA, coal laden, Ashore near Carleton Island, below Cape Vincent.

Oct. 5. - Barge KINGSTON, ashore foot of Lake Ontario.

Oct. 7. - Scow SANDSUCKER, sunk in 75 five feet of water below Brockville.

Oct. 19.- Schooner DERBYSHIRE, coal laden, ashore near Maitland.

Oct. 20.- Barge THOMAS QUAILLE, coal laden, ashore in Kingston Harbor.

Nov. 4. - Barge JOHN GASCON, laden with oats, sunk in Soulanges Canal.

Nov. 11.- Steamer OMAHA, ashore near Iroquois

Nov. 13.- Steamer STUART W, coal laden, ashore a_ Scow Shoal, where steamer KEYSTONE was sunk.

Nov. 17.- Tug MARK, sunk in 25 feet of water below Iroquois.

Nov. 20.- Steamer CITY OF OTTAWA, laden with cargo of munitions and supplies for the Allies, ashore below Morrisburg.

Nov. 23.- Steamer COMPTON, ashore Goose Neck Island, below Morrisburg.

Dec. 6. - Tug LAURA GRACE, ashore near Rochester.

The COMPTON ran aground near Brockville some hours after being released and
will be left to its present position until spring.
      Collingwood Bulletin
      January 2, 1919

NOTE. - Tug MARK, is a misprint for MARY, she was built at Port Huron in
1875, and is still listed in 1933.

      Ninetee_ vessel_ hav_ gon_ ashor_ o_ bee_ wrecke_ a_ th_ easter_ en_ oµ Lak_ Ontari_ an_ i_ th_ St« Lawrenc_ a_ fa_ eas_ a_ Cornwall¼ durin_ th_ pas_ season¼ an_ th_ Donnell• Wreckin_ Compan• release_ the_ al_ bu_ th_ tu_ LAUR- GRACE« Thi_ figur_ doe_ no_ includ_ section_ oµ th_ NORTHWES+ an_ MINOLA¼ whic_ foundered during the past month and were lost with thirteen lives. The list is:
May 9th. - Barge GLADYS H., coal laden, ashore below Cardinal.

May 29th.- S.S. WESTERIAN, ashore opposite Thousand Island Park.

May 31st.- Steamer H.E. RUNNELLS, coal laden, ashore below the North Channel.

June 9th.- Barge MELROSE, laden with wheat, sunk in Coldwall Canal.

June 21.- Barge SELKIRK, ashore on Lachine Lake.

Jul• 10.- Steame_ ARABIAN¼ lade_ wit_ wa_ munition_ and supplies¼ fo_ th_ Allies, ashore in Rapid Du Plat.

Aug. 29.- Barge HILDA, grain laden, ashore foot of Lake Ontario.

Sept« 15.- Passenge_ steame_ OSSIFRAGE¼ ashor_ Thousand Islands¼ belo_ Cardinal.
Sept« 29.- Steame_ OMAHA¼ coa_ laden¼ Ashor_ nea_ Carleto_ Island¼ belo_ Cap_ Vincent.
Oct. 5. - Barge KINGSTON, ashore foot of Lake Ontario.

Oct. 7. - Scow SANDSUCKER, sunk in 75 five feet of water below Brockville.

Oct. 19.- Schooner DERBYSHIRE, coal laden, ashore near Maitland.

Oct. 20.- Barge THOMAS QUAILLE, coal laden, ashore in Kingston Harbor.

Nov. 4. - Barge JOHN GASCON, laden with oats, sunk in Soulanges Canal.

Nov. 11.- Steamer OMAHA, ashore near Iroquois

Nov« 13.- Steame_ STUAR+ W.¼ coa_ laden¼ ashor_ a_ Sco_ Shoal¼ wher_ steame_ KEYSTONE was sunk.
Nov. 17.- Tug MARK, sunk in 25 feet of water below Iroquois.

Nov« 20.- Steame_ CIT+ O¦ OTTAWA¼ lade_ wit_ carg_ oµ munition_ an_ supplie_ fot the Allies, ashore below Morrisburg.
Nov. 23.- Steamer COMPTON, ashore Goose Neck Island, below Morrisburg.

Dec. 6. - Tug LAURA GRACE, ashore near Rochester.

Th_ COMPTO+ ra_ agroun_ nea_ Brockvill_ som_ hour_ afte_ bein_ release_ an_ will be left to its present position until spring.
      Collingwood Bulletin
      January 2, 1919

      . . . . .

NOTE« - Tu_ MARK¼ i_ ß misprin_ fo_ MARY¼ sh_ wa_ buil_ a_ Por_ Huro_ i_ 1875, and is still listed in 1933.

Media Type
Item Type
Reason: sunk
Remarks: ?
Date of Original
Local identifier
Language of Item
Geographic Coverage
  • Ontario, Canada
    Latitude: 44.8501 Longitude: -75.31602
William R. McNeil
Copyright Statement
Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
Maritime History of the Great Lakes
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Mary (Propeller), sunk, 17 Nov 1918