St. Joseph Traveler-Herald (St. Joseph, MI), Sat., 16 June 1883
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- Completed.
The well-known Graham & Morton Transportation Company have their line of new boats completed, and in active service, their last steamer commencing her regular trips last week. The Company deserve much commendation for placing two such magnificent boats as the Lora and City of St. Joseph on the Benton Harbor, St. Joseph and Chicago route. Both propellers are models of speed and comfort and rank among the safest and most elegant boats upon the lakes. J. H. Randall, builder.
A full description of this large and handsome steamer, built a year ago, was given in this paper last season. Her dimensions are length fo keel 160 feet, length on deck 175 feet, extreme breadth 31 1/2 feet, depth of hold 11 feet. She has a beautiful cabin, and fity fine state rooms, all elegantly furnished, with berths well arranged for the comfort of passengers. She gives sleeping accommodations to about 150 people, and can carry 800. She is over 600 tons burthen, is rated A1, and the U. S. Inspector, after looking her over carefully, pronounces her one of the best and safest boats on the lakes. She has a powerful engine, rides the water nicely and has made the trip between St. Joseph and Chicago in 5 hours and 12 minutes. She cost about $60,000. Her officers are as follows: Ed. Stines, Master; First Mate, Niel Simmons; Second Mate, Frank Pattie; Clerk, Ross Shinn; Steward, Chas. Tibbits; First Engineer, Chas. Pierce; Second Engineer, Ed. Patchen; Wheelsman, Will Elton; Cook, Robt. Garnett.
which has just been completed, ranks A1, the highest rate given any vessel, and obtains the most favorable insurance rates, as the risk is reduced to a minimum by her staunchness and the completeness of her safety appliances. Her dimensions are 160 feet keel by 28 feet beam, being sufficiently wide to insure steadiness, yet not wide enough to interfere with her swiftness. Her hold is 11 1/2 feet in depth and is sufficiently capacious to meet the demands of the trade. Her lower deck, which is devoted mainly to the storage of freight, is constructed of four-inch timber. An examination of this part of the vessel shows how much attention has been given to making the boat firm and strong. The upper deck is supported by massive posts which are mortised firmly into the keelson, not resting, as in most vessels, upon the deck timbers. Two pieces oak timber, 3x5 inches, strongly bolted together and mortised into the stanchions which form the frame-work of the boat, serves to bind it and render it perfectly firm and rigid even in a high sea. The ceiling is arched and constructed of the very best grade of oak timber, as, indeed, is the whole vessel. The engine, which is located on this deck, was made by Sutton Bros., Buffalo, N.Y., and is well adapted to do the work required of it. Its dimensions are 20 1/2 x 22 inches. The cabin, which is on the upper-deck, is a marvel of beauty and elegance. It extends nearly the whole length of the vessel and contains 34 state rooms, two of which, situated amidships and denominated the "bridal chambers," are double and contain four berths, and eight have three berths each. The forepart of the cabin is used as a dining room, off of which opens a pantry and gents' smoking and washing room. The wood-work of the cabin is painted a light slate color and cream in panels trimmed with two shades of blue and gilt, with a broad terra cotta moulding running around it. The furniture is walnut and upholstered with dark crimson velvet plush trimmed with a lighter shade, while the carpets are all Brussels of elegant patterns. A fine piano is located amidships. The state rooms are each furnished in different colors. The hangings are all of rich brocaded damask and the carpets also Brussels. The cabin is lighted with four large chandeliers. The officers' quarters are located upon the hurricane deck and are furnished in similar styles. Upon this deck are also four large life-boats of the most improved pattern, also two water-tanks to be used in case of fire. The steering apparatus is first-class, the wheel being connected with the rudder by a 3/4 inch steel wire cable, which is perfectly flexible. The steamer rides a sea easily without laboring and answers her helm readily. She has already made the trip of 61 1/2 miles in 5 hours and 40 minutes and will do much better than this when her machinery is used a short time. Her officers are profuse in their praises of her, and she seems to merit the hearty commendation of U. S. Inspector Pearson, who said she is the finest wooden vessel afloat in his District. Her officers are Alex. Elton, Master; First Mate, W. A. Boswell; Second Mate, Ed. Evans; Steward, Morris Mott; Clerk, Edwin D. Cooke; First Engineer, J. A. Baldwin; Second Engineer, William Brown.
The City of St. Joseph is 372 and 48-100 tons burthen. She sleeps about 110 people and will carry 700. Her cost is about $50,000.
- Media Type
- Text
- Newspaper
- Item Type
- Clippings
- Date of Original
- Sat., 16 June 1883
- Local identifier
- GLN.5019
- Language of Item
- English
- Donor
- Robert Myers
- Copyright Statement
- Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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- Maritime History of the Great