3, h - - I III If III! LasLBut One of Stately Line^/m ehooner Sails to Fiery Doom board Schooner Julia B. Mer-111, June 6.— (Staff Special.)— 'Nail to the mast her battered flag, Set every threadbare sail, Ind give her to the god of storms, The lightning and the gale." itherwise— 'Well, boys, get the muslin on her; pe'll get her out of here," said Capt. V. H. Peacock. Very old, superlatively decrepit, the ;chooner Julia B. Merrill cleared from Port Hope last night bound for her inal fiery berth at Sunnyside. Her age-conquered mizzen mast lad been lifted out. Her mizzen mom was ci ito a main gaff, binder ;v lrMLjjJMduty in lieu of stops ram the north-¦lit "elic out of Hftider mains'l, fores'l, ;wo jibs, she limped st trip up Lake On-but one of a once lakewise sailing craft. J3 itlle The last cargo schooner ever to sail from Port Hope, whicn once was the home port of a fleet. The Merrill was built at Manito-woe, Wisconsin, in 1872, for the Lake Michigan lumber trade. Fifteen years ago she was brought from the upper] lakes for prosaic coal carrying on) Lake Ontafio, ., For the last four! years she has Jain idle beside heij dock at Port Hope. Now she comes) tt> her last moorings at Sunnyside, to pass away In blazing, flaming glory— a spectacle for the multitudes. Crowds sa wher leave Port Hope.' Four old lakesmen and two news-j; paper men sailed her on her last |! voyage. To-day and to-morrow, Toronto's • holiday crowds will see her. Last but j one of the Great Lakes schooners. The; very last "three and after" in the j world, and the only schooner that ! Toronto has seen in more than a de- i cade, and the only one ever sacri- \ ficed to the gods of fire for Toronto's I edification. Belleville shipping activity has increased in the last few days. Three , vessels were in port there yesterday, being the Coalfax, Cementkarrier and I Waterloo, all of which left with i cargoc SAILS SET AND L1NF.S CST OFF for the last time, the Julia B.ileirili, last but one of the old lake left Port Hope last night oat lifer voyage. Her doom is nol -a fiery end to appease the eyes ackers, for she will be hurried until her aged bones are blackened to I lie, waterline at Sunnyside. Pictures show, left, the Julia B. Merrill as she sailed from Port Hope yesterday, .jibs nnrl foresail set, and her mainsail being run up- Hlulit. i he crowd assembled lo bid her farewell. FREIGHTER AGROU' .Kin Re* tug J-ilvagy^flnce of the Bajke Towing Company to-day was go to the assistance ot tlie Steamer Maria :. which cleared from this per:, outside Trenton, as she was entering' the harbor, the Maria Lydia, •which is a package freighter a id Gw-ned by the Company of Montreal^we- * released. a, LVJ>/ A fat*. S. Qu£3> lOUrpr to-night iw Of SC! (in 1 No. 1 will hai ¦I,.; i j QUEDOC AT PRESCOTT. Oct. 29.—(CP)- ': pf tin - down' tlie St. Law'reJJe River since the] opening of the Welland Canal, docked)I ] at the Government elevator here to-j I day with aMeo|f 192,000 bushels of oats and v\nwt. ?»he was under th* command o experienced inp the channeF1 in the St. Lawrence Ui\er. ——~ Big- Freighter at Ogdensburg Brockville, Sept. 23.-The P 430 feet long and oivi Aih- ley Steamship Conip. N. Millington of Ashtabul, I the captain, passed Brockville bound for Ogdensburg with a cargo of- 200.-000 bushels of corn, oats and wheat, which she loaded at Chicago.