Canada Steamships Buy New Site To-day—Old Docks to Go ------------------------------------------------------_ OLD AND NEW CANADA STEAMSHIP DOCKS The expropriation of the Canada Steamship Lines docks at the foot of i half acres of the harbor front as a site for new docks to cost a million dolla >nge1 street, two views of which are shown ABOVE, to make room for the or more. The Star photographer rfiows at the LEFT above the old doci laduct, resulted to-day m the purchase by the C.S.L, of some seven and a| viewed from Yonge street. At the RIGHT is a view from above O Marine News AT DETROIT. June 7.—Up—Leonard C. Hanna, 9.19] p.m. Thursday; Robert Wallace, 11; BH- I lings, 11.50; Clifford A. Moll, 12.10 a.m. I Friday; Harry Coulby, 1.15; J. H. Reed, i 1.20; J. E. Upson, Dunn Jr., 1.40 Princeton, Maia, Charles Hubbard, 2.40; Leslie, 3.30; «|pa]"a I.. J I. Bowers, 4.15; Asherofl, 6TC> wood 6 40' Ash E'lv vrson, 2; Osborn, 00; Eaa3T6.20; Huxaa. 6.50; WUIlilf *Ki.v. 7.28? jack, SeriItorT7.40. "Oown—Saskatoon! 8.50 p.m. Thursday; SeTrator, 9; Buffington, .Wart*!* .'.40; G. J. Grammer, 10.10; JBethL midnight; W. C. Franz, 12.15 &Tn day; Denmark, T2740;' Garretson, 1.15; C. S. Robinson, 1.20; R. J. Reiss, B_JS^ Taylor, 1.40; W; A. Reiss, Amazon, 1.50; CarTopus, 2:40;' lfc.nta.doc. Prindoe, 4; G. B. Leonard, "4.Tfc ILE. JSflef I |,-Tirv .Ford. 4.50; Sumatra (arrived), Varre11, 5.50; Calumet, 6.55; Douglas. Houghton, 7.15; C. 9. Hebard. 7.30; Kling, 8: Topping, 8.10: H. F. . Coolidge, 0.10; Ellwood, 0.4. Brown, 10; Guar- dian, Constitution, JWiyj^rtiin, -1n 9n • 1'i. W. Stewart, 10.50; W. C. Richardsoii. 11.45; Nettleton, 12.10; Capt. Wilson. 12.25; C. O. Jenkins, 12.50; Morrell, Perkins, 1. apo (arrive-=d), 1.2i 'raverse, nrhhrmmalrtr. 'ululH. 4.10; Steelton, 4.30; sail Jr., Wyandotte, Briton, 5; Cort. 8.15; E. A. S. Clarke, 6.20; JlerberTTV" Jrand Island, 7.55; Andrew S; LJp.- '.55. AT BUFFALO. June 7.—Arrived — TItioa. Chicago nerchandise; Lackawanna, L. K. David-ion. Sandusky, coal; Algonquin, Montreal, light; jCambrja, Tj! N. Wilson, Duluth, ore; Edward Chambers, King,; Hiluth, merchandise; Kiowa. Chicago, Ight: T. 1-1. Wickwire, Jr. Detroit,-John Irwin, Toronto, light; Mor-¦eveland, light. Cloare<l—T. 11. Wickwire. Norton.' luluth, light; igar; Cajta* Octorara, Detroit, passengers. FREIGHTER FORCED HOME Swa.iijte., Wales, June 26.—The Can-idian lalte steamer Starwell, recently raaing betweeen Swansea and Mont-4 eal, was unable to reach her definition, after many attempts, owing to cyclonic conditions and heavy seas;, and *has just returned to this part. During 'the passage a (Danish.' seaman named Reimer was washed o/vrerboard. and drowned. The captarh" and stew-i ard were landed, at ..Oporto- bectj^^^^H Illness. The. vessel which had set out with a cargo of coal for Montreal, was absent altogether for ' seven week? I