Of LES 3>^ LAKE NAVIGATION HERE, fNED BY Charles Dick, in Charge of Capt. T. C.Weston Reaches Port. ' --------------------------- I RECEIVES SILK HAT| .Third Time Skipper Has Accomplished Feat in Four Years. After a smooth trip from Niagara-on-the-Lake, the Charles Dick, a freighter owned by the Canada Ready Mixed, nosed its way into its moorings at the foot of Spadina Avenue ght and officially, opened navi- I Captain T. G. Weston, left Toronto on Friday afternoon for Port Dalhousie. She was the first boat out of Toronto. To-day Captain Weston •will accept the harbor master's silk hat for the third time in four years. In 1928 and 1929 Skipper Weston's ship officially opened navigation. It was dark last night -when the Charles Dick slipped.'into port. There was not the hubbub that might have been expected ar.ound a boat landing In the dark. "We had a bad trip on the way ever," the skipper remarked last lilght. "We van into a heavy fog Friday and It rained all night. On the way back, however, \*e had a fine voyage. It was a wonderful day and the lake ws Asked Iv he Idea of having th hats. Captain Weston said he would have liked to ?ee some other captain get it this year. However, he had nothing to do with taking or refusing the topper an<J he smiled broadly at the thought presentation to-day. Sc third time in four years Captain" T. G. WestonjAt) Jfth his s^Tthe Charles Dick (right), have officially! opened -nav r the ort .of Toronto. Captain Weston cleared Tpronto last fridavlfor Port lalhousie and Niagara-on-the-Lake. He experienced an uncomfoi -ip on the way over and had ideal weather on the return voyage ' 3-day Skipper Weston accept^ .toy p*il£>h a C presejitgjg firs agto the captain 3i\lTAMi IftSf tSntisn American Oil Tanker Arrives in Toronto OltTfirst tanker of the British American Oil Co. to be built foPthelr own service/arrived iieia iust night from MnntM at the company's refineries, Cherry street, under command of Captain H. C'. Mimms alter being brought from the .shipyards of *the Furness Co. In England a week ago. The Britamoil. < been built and brought here to cany crude oil between Montreal and T< rom the company's plant at East Exas. The Britamoil, with a crew of 2 dth of 43 feet ai.id depth of 18 feet. Her full capacity Is 21,000 barrels or 735,01 cargo tanks. .,nd her engines are triple-expansion, with multitubular marine t; iiping tnstaj,.ation was carried out by the builders' engineering department a nips capable Of dealing with different cla lie same ti itamoilene vvill arrive here Sir ship, which is len, is 250 feet perial gallons, boiler. An up- insisls of two d one liott-