TELEGRAM, TORONTO, MOXDAY, APRIL 26, 1943 Fishing Schooner Cut In Two By Collision Pictured here is the fishing' schooner Flora Alberta, which was knifed in two by a merchajit steamer as she was making her way a lonq; (he Nova Scotia shore during the dead of nirht. The two-year-old schooner, one of the newest of the famed Lunenburg fishing fleet, is be- lieved to have taken most of her crew to the bottom as they slept in their bunks. Twenty-one men are dead or missing as a result of the midnight collision, only seven, including the commander, Captain Huy Tanner, having been rescued by the ship that rammed them. l4&- Dispatches from head of lakes, advise that navigation opened of- ' ficially at. Fort- William and Port Arthur on Saturday, April 24, with the arrival of the first inbound freight vessels of the season. The George S. Mead entered Port William harbor in the afternoon, loaded a cargo of grain in a few hours, and cleared before midnight. Fort William Chamber of Commerce was thus deprived of the opportunity of presenting the traditional silk hat award to A. J. Chickonaski, the Mead's master. The package freighter Superior. Northwest Steamships Ltd., opened navigation at Port Arthur on Saturday, The A. A. Hudson of the same line followed the Mead' into Fort William, and the Kendrick arrived at -Port Arthur shortly after the Superior. Several other vessels have been reported making steady progress toward head of lakes. The grain fleet that wintered at Fort William and Port Arthur is expected to load and clear as soon as loading facility permits. Ice has moved out of Thunder Bay. The Patterson Line freighter I Bricojduc was the first of the season to leave Port Arthur. She cleared ! for Duluth with 290,000 bushels of grain. The minesweeper in drydock in the Don Basin has nearly completed her sojourn in the floating cradle and is scheduled to take the water again to-morrow morning. She has her new rolling fins and deadwood fin fitted and the necessary adjustments to her propellors nearly finished. As soon as she leaves the dock another sweeper will take her place for fin-fitting and readjustments. HAD BUSY WINTER Toronto Dry Dock Co. is nearing the end of the busiest winter repair season of its history and doing its best to accommodate a great volume of summer work. The two drydock tugs are fitted out and ready to start their "open season" work. An all winter job of repairs and replacements on the Blue Cross is within a day or two of completion. All the multitudinous repairs and overhauling of the fleet of tankers have been accomplished. All the bulk freighters whose repairs and renovation works the drydock has handled, are fitted out and in commission; and there is only a day or so of work necessary to finish up on the Selkirk and the Canadian. DANGEROUS JOB Buffalo tugs tackled a big and dangerous job in bringing the freightr Amazon into port. The vessel, grain laden from Chicago, lost her propellor and hung to her anchors near Point Abino, Ont, awaiting aid. Even for the stout Buffalo tugs with their long ex-perinced masters and engineers, linesmen and firemen, it is no small [ chore to batter and wriggle through I east end Lake Erie ice; and by the [ | same token, it is no sinecure for a lake freighter with full power. For tugs to pick up a cripple and wangle her through the jam is certainly a man size job of towing. TUG IS SUNK The Dickinson, the 75-foot tug, operated by the Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company, capsized and sank in the Cuyahoga river near central viaduct at Cleveland. It was hauling two mud scows. Captain Harry Marks and the crew of six on the tug and barges escaped. Cause of the sinking was not immediately determined. The Paul W. Dickinson, once known as the C. E. Williams, was 36 years old and of steel construction, and 98 gross tons. Package freight service on the Northern Navigation Company-CNR lake and rail route has commenced at Sarnia with the sailing of the Hamonic. The Hamonic, under command of Capt. H. L. Beston, leaves Point Edward dock with package freight for Sault Ste. Marie and Port Arthur and Fort William.