Exposure takes lives of twelve when ship sinks Digby, N.S., Feb. 18.—(CP)—In one of the worst marine disasters in Bay of Fundy waters in recent years, 12 persons died from exposure in their ice-coated lifeboat after the coastal steamship Robert Cann foundered and sank Saturday, eight miles off Shallow Tail light, Grand Manan island, N.B. From his hospital bed here, the lone survivor of the 19-hour vigil in the open lifeboat, Capt. Arthur Ells, of Port Greville, N.S., told a graphic story of the sinking of the 265-ton coastal vessel and the horror-filled hours which followed. . The dead are: Capt. Emery F. Peters, master; Mrs. Mary Eleanor Jacquard, stewardess, and her husband, Joseph Lawrence Jacquard, Joseph Peter Meuse, George Andrew Fitzgerald, Cleveland Bent, Richard Davis, George Pendrick and Joseph Jacquard, all of Yarmouth, N.S.; Louis J. David, Brooklyn, Yarmouth county; Thomas Vincent Bartlett, Arka-dia, Yarmouth county, and William Henry Logan, engineer, of Granville Ferry, N.S. With the exception of Joseph Meuse, all died in the 17-foot lifeboat. Meuse succumbed while being rushed to Digby by Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers early Sunday, after the lifeboat beached at isolated Riley's cove near Lake Midway village. Far-Sailing Icebreaker Back on Her Old Job Quebec,. Feb. 28 (CP). — The sturdy icebreaker N.B. McLean, currently cutting a channel from Three Rivers, Que., to Montreal, is Hearing completion of another of | the many jobs that have made her ¦famous from the St. Lawrence River to Hudson Bay. Canada's largest icebreaker, the McLean" is in her 15th year of service for the Department of Transport. Most of this service has been devoted to smashing ice fields, but to this have been added annua! voyages to Canada's northern waters, saving crews of sunker ships, aiding ships in distress anc ¦generally acting as jack-of-all-trade: en Canada's waterways. The McLean, appropriately namec "The Mother Ship of the North,' sets out for Hudson Bay about th< middle o£ July each year carrying FIRST OF FOVR~h\rHcf. ¦ The turbo-electric' cargo liner, Beaverdell, has been delivered to Canadian Pacific Steamships ty her builders, Lithgows Ltd., of Port Glasgow. She is the first of four 10,000-ton, 16-knot cargo vessels of Beaver class to be built for CPSS to resume the company's war-dis-. rupted fast freight services between the United Kingdom and Canada, MODEL OF INGENUITY From main propulsion power units to electric cargo handling winches, the Beaverdell is a model of mechanical ingenuity and is fully equipped with the most modern radar, gyro compass and radio telegraph sets, as well as electrical tell tales for the recording of temperatures of refrigerated spaces which make, up almost one-fourth of the huge cargo carrying capacity. 30,000 ACRE YIELD When the CSL freighter, Lemoyne, loads 550,000 bushels of wheat in her capacious holds her cargo is esti- supplies, personnel and equipment' for Government radio and meteorological stations. She returns in October. Last summer while the McLean was in the Hudson Bay area a call came through for the icebreaker to transport a three-year-old Eskimo boy from Cape Hope Advance to Montreal for treatment in hospital, I there for blindness. , ! Helped Grain Exports I When grain was urgently needed |.by Britain in 1942 the Canadian | Government decided to ship it out ! of Churchill. The McLean travelled ; to that port, smashing through ice i fields to keep a channel open so i cargo vessels could make the deliveries. While at her winter quarters in Quebec, the McLean was called out to clear a passage for a ferry travelling between this city and Levis, across the St. Lawrence. The ferry, caught in an ice-run, had been carried downstream. These are but three incidents in the long and eventful career of the icebreaker. In common with other vessels plying the Gulf of St. Lawrence in wartime, the McLean was armed with a 4.7 calibre naval gun manned by an experienced gun crew. Capt. C. A. Caron, her present skipper, recalled that the closest contact his ship had with the enemy was in 1942 when she passed Cap Chat, about 350 miles below Quebec one evening at 8 p.m. Three hours later two cargo vessels were torpedoed at approximately the same spot. Although ice-breaking "makes a Widely Experienced Skipper Capt. Caron, 43, was born at L'Isle!, about 60 miles east of Quebec and has "served aboard pretty near every ship in Government service." He was mate aboard the McLean before taking over command from Capt. W. G. Balcon of Halifax in 1942. Capt. Balcon, now assistant sea transport controller at Halifax, did much to map and make known the Hudson Bay district by taking soundings and surveys and determining tide and current speeds in addition to carrying in supplies. He was honored for his work by being made a member of the Order of the British Empire. The McLean's crew, with the exception of four or five men from Nova Scoti'a, are from Quebec Province. Chief Engineer E. C. Lynch is from Annapolis Valley; Steward Earl Josey, from Sheet Harbor, Wireless Operator George Carter, from Oxford, and Fourth Engineer John Jordon, from Halifax. Built at Halifax in 12W1 .tUft^-Sfe*-lean is 260 feet lo»«g7* 28.7 feet deep and 60.3 feet wiiKte. Her gross tonnage is 3,254-iP'ffet tonnage 1,171, and her engin£^*can whip up 6,500 horse power. STARTING AGAIN Shipping services of two liberated nations which started shortly before the outbreak of war, will soon be re - opened to Toronto and Great Lakes ports. Two foreign shipping lines, Fjell Line of Norway and Orange Line of Holland, lost many of their ships to the enemy during the war, but the remnant of their fleets was released recently from government control and returned to peacetime owners. Headquarters for both lines will be in the Terminal Warehouse at Toronto. PLAN NEW SHIPS Spokesmen for the companies said they are planning new ships for the run, some of them to carry a limited number of passengers. The ships will be fast, canal-size motor ships and will carry grain and general cargo. LINK WITH OCEAN The line will inaugurate the first direct ocean link with Great, Lakes ports since early in the war. Their European terminals will be in Britain, Holland and Norway. There is also the possibility that ships of these lines will engage in tramp cargo-carrying to and from Great Lakes ports. HONORED BY FRIENDS To mark the end of a 50-year ship grow old fast," the McLean; career in the shipbuilding business, has never had a serious accident ] Collingwood friends presented a in the memory of Capt. Caron. She j pair, of binoculars and a ship's bell clock to John S. Leitch, retired presf once dropped a propellor while crashing through ice in Lake St. Peter, but had it.replaced and continued her work. Later the ship returned to the lake and recovered the propellor which is in use today. dent of Canadian Shipbuilding and Engineering, Ltd., at a complimentary dinner.