IN9EX a A.A.Augutus 38 A.A.Hudson 33,63 AAcadian 2 5,39 Adam E, Cornelius- 8 Airport Perry 16 Alberta 44.S6B Alex.Holley 26,83 Alex McDougall 20 Alfred Krupp 33 Alg'ocen 25,83 Algorail 25,39 Algosoo 25,40,89 Algosteel 25,39,89 Algoway 25 Alliston 23 Altadoc 33,89 AVM. By era 34 nzak 44 Arras.HMCS, 12 Arthur Orr 58 Asfecroft 25,40,41,85 Ashtabula, tug, 8l Assiniboia 59,62,83 Athabaska 44,45,46,47,48 Atomic 13,52- B Badger State 3arge 137, 2^83 Barnes-Duluth Co, 33 Barrie 25,89 Barrie.HMCS, 49,82,front cover Battleford 13,2 5,39 Bayamna 14,53,44,75,77,81,82 jay fax 33 Bayport,tug, 40 Bayton 23 , Beaverton 25 Ben.F.Fairless 58,81 Betty Mae 51 Birchton 42 Blue Comet 44 Blue Cross 11 Blue River 26 B.Lyman Smith 42 Brampton 23,83 Brantford,HMC^S, 18,38 Bricold^c 35 Britamette 11,89 Britamlube 89 Britamoco 22,24,34,89 Britamoil 59,89 Britamolene 89 Bronte port- 37,38,57,58 Brown Beaver 26,89 Bruce Hudson 14,29,82,84 ¦ Bryn Barge 26 ,83 Buffalo port 43 Vulica rier 59, C ICalgarian 25 ¦Canadian 25,89 Candn.Holiday 77 ICanadoc 33,86 Capt.C.D.Secord 4,33,38,39 Caribou 58 Carl D.Bradley 54 jCartierdoc 33.85 ¦Cementkarrier 38 iChapparall 77 Chas.C.West 67 Chas.Dick 15,89 Chas.S.Huntley 2 6 Charny,H.MCS, 36 C. H.Hous^n 14,23 City of Hamilton of Kingston of Montreal Toledo 78A City City City City City Clayton Clemens of of of 25,40,84 25,41,89 5.4Q 25,38 86 Toronto Windsor 25.83 A.Reiss Clevelander 82 Coalfax 14,53 jCoalhaven 19,2 5,39 iCoastal Queen 5-U52 Collier 25,54,89 Collingwood port 25,40,41,89 Collingwood Shipyard -8,15 Col,James Pickands 77 Coteaudoc 8 33 C. P. 3d wards jCrete 39 C. ,7. Cadwell Cyclo Brave 89 34 Cyclo Chief 27,28 Cyclo Warrior .29,51,55,54 D Damia 55,85 D. a.Moloney 4 JDaniel J, Morrell 'Delkote 55 Detroiter 82 63