Eedfern 83 Redriver 83 Redwood 83 Reliance,bge,,54,55 Renvoyle 25,89 Rescue f%& Rockdoe 1 Rocket 82 Royalton 23,44,56,75.8G 3 Sagamore 63,78-A St'.Heliers 33,82,89 Salvage Prince 13,40.8l Sans Peur.HMCS 43,56 Saracen 4,33.83 Saskadoc 33 Saskatoon 25, Saucon 20 Scott Misener 15,23,83 Seeandbee 84 Selkirk 25 Shalt on ,Vead 2 6 Shenango 33 Shirley G,Taylor 25,89 Simcoe 25 Sir,Thos.Shaughnessy 4,33,39,86,8 Sonora 42,82 Soodoo 33,41 Soreldoc 33.44 South American 19 Stadacona 25,40,41.85 Starmount 25,89• Steel Electrician 77 Steel King 13,21 Sulphite 33 Sultana 82 Sumatra 33 Sundew USGG 79 Superior 33 Surewater 2 3,39 Swederope 33 T Tahoma USGG 8 Tanao V, 1 Teakbay 89 Texaco Chief 89 Texaco Warrior 89 T.F.Newman 77 The Inland 44 The International 42 Thistle 1,78A Toronto 64 Towmaster 42 Translake 41,70,72,78a,80 "Kenora 23,39 Troisdoc 33,39,44 Tupper r'orter 46 U United States Gypsum 82 V Valley Gamp 15,27 Vand0 c 35 Vega 20 Venus 87 Victorious .26,35 Vigilant 25 Viscount Bennett c^> IVahcondah 4,35,86 W.D.Calveriey Jr. 78*1,83 ff.D.Rees 13 ffeegar,Capt.G,J, 20 W.E.Hnnt 33 Wellandoo 8 Western States 19 7/estmount 2-5,36,59,89 Weyburn 25,09 W.P.White 32 William C.Warren 18,26,77,79,81 William M.Connolly 86 Windoo 33 Winnipeg 25,86 Wolfe islander 1 .Yoodrush USGG 19 Yankcanuck 44